
wpRTC – WebRTC for WordPress



WebRTC or Web Real Time Communication is an open project that enables browsers with RTC capabilities to connect with video, audio, and screen sharing.

Install the plugin and use the simple shortcode [wpRTC room_name="room"] to create multiple rooms for users to interact with each other using video.

Documentation available, please check it for shortcode use, and wpRTC Pro version tips. is a free (up to 50 unique concurrent visitors) library which powers wpRTC. It is free to sign up and is required as of v2.0



  1. Download zipped archive of plugin
  2. Log into your WordPress dashboard and add the new plugin via upload
  3. Activate the plugin
  4. Click on wpRTC in your menu (below Settings) to see shortcode settings and styling options
  5. You will need an account.


WebRTC WebRTC is a free, open project that enables web browsers with Real-Time Communication (RTC) capabilities via simple JavaScript APIs. The WebRTC components have been optimized to best serve this purpose.

If you have the plugin installed and tried using the shortcode and only see a black screen, make sure you remember to give your browser permission. Heres a screenshot of permissions on Chrome.

IceComm is the cross-browser library that supports the in-browser video chatroom. WPRTC required IceComm as of v2 due to problems with TURN servers not being configured properly creating a cross between users. If you have your own TURN servers you can modify the IceComm global settings to include your TURN server. IceComm is 100% free up to 50 concurrent unique visitors, or 50 active video chatroom participants at the same time.

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