
WP Restaurant Booking



WP Restaurant Booking is a feature-rich and easy to use reservation system for bars and restaurants.


  • Activate/ deactivate the booking functionlity in a click.
  • Booking widget position, even using the shortcode [booking-button].
  • Set a number of bookable seats for each day of the week.
  • Define the time slots that can be booked every day
  • Outdor tables option (Premium).
  • Last minute table option (Premium).
  • Set time limit within which to book a table.
  • Set an average time of the customer at the table, useful for calculating availability.
  • Assign a table to each reservation.
  • Change reservation status in a click.
  • Set an expiration time to consider a reservation as expired.
  • Admin and user email notifications.



  • Download WP Restaurant Booking
  • Upload the wp-restaurant-booking directory to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory, using your favorite method (ftp, sftp, scp, etc)
  • Activate WP Restaurant Booking from your Plugins page.
  • Once Activated, go to WPRB menu and set you preferences.

From your WordPress dashboard

  • Visit Plugins > Add New
  • Search for WP Restaurant Booking and download it.
  • Activate WP Restaurant Booking from your Plugins page.
  • Once Activated, go to WPRB menu and set you preferences.

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