
WordPress Wiki That Doesn’t Suck




  1. Unpack the zip file and upload to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory or use the Add New Plugin option in WordPress to install.
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.
  3. Start writing articles!
  4. Use the [wpwtds] shortcode or the included template file examples to display a list of wiki articles on your page.


Not yet.

Basically, I had a specific need, custom post types seemed like the best answer. Plus, once it was done, I couldnt think of anything else it really needed.

This wasnt a concern for me, since I just wanted someplace I could post support docs that was public. That said, generic WordPress user roles will still work, so if youre an Author youll be able to post new wiki articles, same as anything else.

After you install the plugin, wiki articles will use your themes default single.php template file. You may want to actually use your wiki, as in have an actual wiki page, and for that, youll either need to add a custom template to your theme or use the [wpwtds] shortcode. To use the shortcode, all you need to do is add [wpwtds] on a post or a page and it will display a list of all your wiki articles.

A default template that you can use is provided if you want to customize the layout. More than likely youll need to modify it slightly to fit your specific theme.

The best reference I can give you for working with custom post types (if you wanted to make your own wiki main page, for instance) is the Custom Post Types article in the Codex. The only thing you need to know is that the post types are identified as wpwtds_articles.

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