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WooCommerce Advanced Shipping


The most advanced WooCommerce Shipping plugin

With WooCommerce Advanced Shipping you can create your own shipping rates based on conditions. This allows you to have the ultimate flexibility in what you want to charge to which people. Best of all, you don’t need to code anything to get started! Using the simple User Interface you can set the conditions based on your shipping needs.

You can create your own table rate shipping based on the conditions. To give a couple examples, you can use ‘Weight’, ‘Volume’, ‘Country’, ‘State’ conditions to set your table shipping rates.

Multiple WooCommerce shipping methods

With these conditions you can create as many shipping methods as you’d like. Without any programming language knowledge you can set your own specific shipping rate needs.

WooCommerce Advanced Shipping – Shipping Zones

With the Shipping Zones extension you can create a group of locations such as countries, states and zipcodes and set that as a condition. This is ideal when you have the same rate for a list of countries such as entire Europe.

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