
Woo Align Buttons



This lightweight plugin will automatically align your WooCommerce Add to cart buttons.

Nothing looks worse than visiting a WooCommerce shop page to find the Add to cart buttons scattered all over the place like a dogs breakfast.

This simple plugin solves that problem with a little javascript, and without modifying any core files or templates.

This version will also align your Product Titles thus allowing longer titles or larger fonts.

See FAQ about issue with WooCommerce blocks.

If you have any other issues, let us know in the Support section.
If you like the Woo Align Buttons plugin, please take the time to rate it.



  • Upload through the Plugins menu in WordPress
  • Else upload unzipped woo-align-buttons folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  • Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress


It hooks a wrapper

around the product information above the Add to cart buttons.
Javascript then measures the height of that wrapper and adjusts the height to automatically align the buttons.

No. It is designed to work on unmodified WooCommerce files. If your theme has modified any WooCommerce product templates or added hooks that affect those templates or files, this plugin may not work.

It is assumed that if the theme developer has hacked, hooked, or modified any WooCommerce files, they should have already fixed the problem with aligning the buttons.

If it is not working on your theme chances are your theme has been modified or hacked, and this plugin will NOT work.

You can either choose another theme, or contact your theme developer and ask them to fix their theme.

Yes. However, the hook in your themes functions.php file will need to be modified slightly.
A sample child theme can be found here on GitHub.

No. WooCommerce has changed the products grid template for their blocks.
Their new template does not allow for separating the Add to cart buttons.
Without the ability to separate the buttons, this plugin can not work.
This issue would need to be taken up with WooCommerce Support.

There appears to be a handful of users experiencing issues with the latest updates.
This is most likely caused by previous version files being cached on the users system.
You can try clearing all of your cache files.
Otherwise you can revert back to this carbon copy of version 3.6.6:
Download version 100.6.6 from the bottom of the page Here.
Delete the version you currently have installed, then upload and activate version 100.6.6.
Clear any caches you have, and let us know how you go.
You should not receive any out-of-date warnings with this version.

Yes. Every time the screen is resized, it will re-adjust the buttons.

Dont know. Try it for yourself. Its Free.

If you are having issues with a modified theme, please leave details in the Support section.
Dont forget to leave a link to your website for us to inspect.
We may be able to give you a link to a custom version that might help. (No guarantees)
If your theme has been heavily modified and the buttons are outside of the original scope, you may have to consider using another theme.
If you are able to do some of your own coding, a child theme can usually be made to work.
A sample child theme can be found here on GitHub.

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