
White Label Custom WordPress Login Page



Custom Login Page with Login Customizer options, Customize WordPress Login Page, Registration, and Lost Password Page.

Easy to use and very simple after you activate this plugin you can choose to change some settings or leave everything as is the login page has already been white-labeled and customized.

But maybe you want to change the logo or change the login page background, well you can now easily change the default logo and set custom login page background and much more.

Custom Login Page Customizer detailed feature list:

  • Custom Login page header
  • Custom Login page header background-color
  • Custom Login page header description text
  • Custom Login page header link
  • Custom logo Change WordPress login logo
  • Custom Login page logo link
  • Change login form alignment
  • Add a custom background image
  • Add a custom background-attachment property set whether background image scrolls with the rest of the page or is fixed
  • Add a custom background-size specifies the size of the background images
  • Add a custom background-repeat property sets if/how the background image will be repeated.
  • Add a custom background-position property set the starting position of a background image.
  • Add a custom background-color
  • Add Custom Login Page CSS
  • Custom WordPress Login Page Footer

By far the simplest login white label plugin for any WordPress Website, activate and you are done.

Easy to use, simple settings options, simplified sensible defaults, you never need to change a single setting the new settings are completely optional.

The plugin options can be found by going to Appearance > Customize > White Label Login Options.

If you found a bug or have suggestions head over to the Support Section



  1. Upload White Label Login to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.
  3. Thats it!.


Yes, this plugin will work with any WordPress theme.

The plugin options can be found by going to Appearance > Customize > White Label Login Options

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