



The plugin keeps a log of site visits, both by humans and by robots.
The main functions of the plugin are:
1. Records the date and time of visiting the site, where the visitor came from, which page he visited, the visitors browser.
2. Records the result of the visit: without login, with login, successful login, unsuccessful login, the visitor belongs to the black list.
3. Geographic location of the site visitor, country, city of the site visitor.
4. Automatic and manual blacklisting of a visitor with simultaneous blocking of access to the site for a certain period of time.
5. Export of records of site visits to an external file for further analysis.
6. Automatic screen refresh mode using SSE technology (server-sent events).
7. Analyzes attacks aimed at the site. Automatic protection against brute-force attacks.
8. System file editor: index.php, robots.txt, htaccess, wp-config.php
9. Displaying and Deleting cron events.
10. Statistics of site visits in tabular and graphical form.
11. SMA Simple Mail Agent, which manages the mailboxes of your site, as well as,,,
12. admin console to run commands PHP and WordPress.
13. debug_log viewing the WP, PHP debug log of site.

Plugin home page

Demo video [RU]

API Documentation

User Documentation

Features include:

  1. Filters I level: by date, by country, by visitors roles
  2. Filters II level: by logged, by unlogged, by login errors, by visits of robots, by visitors from the black list
  3. Export into custom CSV file
  4. Log auto-truncation
  5. File editor: index.php
  6. File editor: robots.txt
  7. File editor: .htaccess
  8. File editor: wp-config.php
  9. Manage cron events of site
  10. Statistics of visits to the site
  11. Built-in console for managing WordPress environment.
  12. Widget: site visits count with automatic update of visits data
  13. Geolocation of visitors to the site (only by the HTTPS protocol)
  14. Information about the IP of the visitor
  15. Black list of visitors and blocking the IP, or user name, or user agent for the selected period of time
  16. Automatic updating of the list of site visits using SSE technology
  17. SMA Simple Mail Agent, managing the mailboxes of your site, as well as,,,
  18. Google reCAPTCHA.


  • English [en_EN]
  • Russian [ru_RU]



In the mode of one site:
1. Install and activate like any other basic plugin
2. Define basic plugin settings menu: Visitors/settings
3. Click on the Screen Options tab to expand the options section. Youll be able to change the number of results per page as well as hide/display table columns

In the mode of multisite:
1. Go to the admin panel:
My Sites/ Network Admin/ Plugins
2. Choose the command:
Plugins / Add New (WatchMan-Site7)
3. Not use Network Activate
4. We go to the administrative panel of the main site:
Network Admin/ MainSite/ Dashboard/ Plugins
5. Activate the plugin WatchMan-Site7
6. Make the settings of the plugin:
WatchMan-Site7/ Settings
WatchMan-Site7/ Screen Options
7. We go to the administrative panel of the subordinate site (sub domain):
My Sub Domain/ Dashboard/ Plugins
8. Activate the plugin WatchMan-Site7
9. Make the settings of the plugin:
WatchMan-Site7/ Settings
WatchMan-Site7/ Screen Options


The answer: Replace WHO-is provider need to spend as little as possible. First, you loop through each to determine the correctness of the information provided by the provider. The accuracy of the information about visitors, unfortunately, is different and depends on the region of residence of visitors. Therefore, select the best provider from four submitted for your area and use it. In the event of an accidental denial of service provider WHO-is service, proceed to another provider.

The answer: The plugin remembers your blocking decision and automatically enters a blocking entry in htaccess when its time to start blocking. Then, when its time to end the lock, the plug-in removes the blocking entry from the htaccess. However, a record of this IP is stored in the database. And when, after some time, this visitor will go to your site, his IP will be marked in red. Although the visitor will walk quietly through your pages. the expiration date has expired. By the way, you can not delete this entry until you clear the Black list field. Then you can safely delete this entry or it will be automatically deleted when the visitor log is truncated automatically.

The answer: In the modal window, a list of cron-events appears, which work on your site. You can click the refresh button. After 20 seconds the list will be updated. If you bring the cursor to the cell Source task, a context line will appear with the full path to the file the source of this event. There are bad plugins, when they are deleted, there are stray events. You can see and delete them.

The answer: This situation may occur when SSE mode is enabled. Disable this mode, do the rest of your work on the plugin page and re-enable SSE mode if you need it. This message, although unpleasant, will not happen in a bad situation. When SSE mode is enabled, the plugin makes one query per 10 seconds to the database. And in that moment, when you give a team WordPress cant execute two commands at the same time. But I repeat-a bad situation will not happen.

The answer: The SSE function in the plugin should be used in cases when you want to WATCH for the arrival of new visitors to the site or for the receipt of new emails in the mailbox. In another case, when you want to perform some actions on the plugin page (for example: delete records using bulk actions), it is recommended before starting these steps to disable SSE. And then, when youve done your job, you can re-enable SSE to dynamically retrieve data.

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