
User Rights Access Manager



User Rights Access Manager is a lightweight and powerful plugin that grants you complete control on your admin areas content by restricting access of admin menus, submenus, post-types to specific user or specific user roles.

This plugin allows you to set limited access on your admin areas content for logged in users.

Youll find it quite simple to restrict entire posts, pages or custom post types or just portions of them.

It will work for both,
-Roles &

This plugin will prove to be helpful for sites having multiple users and when the admin wants to levy certain restriction on certain users depending upon various criteria.

There are 2 ways to limit access Namely:

Role wise used to limit access of all users having same role.

User wise used to limit access of a particular user.

A User wise restriction can override settings of role wise restriction.

Full Feature List

User Rights Access Manager comes loaded with the following features:

  • Will restrict access to pages/posts for logged in users or for users with specific user roles.
  • Will restrict access to media, tags, categories, format for logged in users or for users with specific user roles.
  • Will restrict access to any default post-type as well as for a custom post-type.
  • Will restrict access to users by creating/editing posts/pages by disabling an option from the User Rights Access Manager interface.
  • Will even restrict access to dashboard Metaboxes.
  • Will restrict access to admin bar for logged in users or for users with specific roles.
  • One can restrict custom urls for logged in users or for users with specific user roles.

For any sort of queries, questions or help, kindly mail us via the Support or contact us directly.



1) Upload the User Rights Access Manager plugin to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory.

2) Activate the plugin via the Plugins menu from WordPress.

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