
Social Linkz



Add social links such as Twitter or Facebook in each post.

You can choose the buttons to be displayed such as :

  • Twitter
  • FaceBook
  • LinkedIn
  • Viadeo
  • Google+
  • StumbleUpon
  • Pinterest
  • Print

It is possible to manually insert the buttons in your post by adding the shortcode [sociallinkz] or [sociallinkz url=http://domain.tld buttons=facebook,google+ desc=Short description] .

If you want to add the buttons in a very specific location, your may edit your theme and insert $this->print_buttons($post, [$url], [$buttons]); (be sure that $post refer to the current post).

It is also possible to add a widget to display buttons.

This plugin is under GPL licence.

Multisite WordPress MU

This plugin works with multisite installation.


  • German (Germany) translation provided by Olly, FarChris, Susann
  • English (United States), default language
  • Spanish (Argentina) translation provided by GianFrancoAlarcn, Sunombre
  • Spanish (Chile) translation provided by Xaloc
  • Spanish (Spain) translation provided by sesi, AlexSancho, fco, JavierLaChica, Verto
  • Spanish (Guatemala) translation provided by EnriqueBran
  • Finnish (Finland) translation provided by ProDexorite
  • French (France) translation provided by SedLex, JP, ChristopheReverd, Yann
  • Galician (Spain) translation provided by prios
  • Croatian (Croatia) translation provided by nikola
  • Hungarian (Hungary) translation provided by LaszloPinter
  • Italian (Italy) translation provided by BRENDON-75, BRENDON-75, StefanoBontempi
  • Japanese (Japan) translation provided by Toshi
  • Norwegian (Bokmal) (Norway) translation provided by Hkon, Hakon, MohamedBoyeJalloJamboria
  • Norwegian (Bokmal) (Norway) translation provided by Hakon, Hkon
  • Dutch (Netherlands) translation provided by HermanTimmermans, Jens
  • Polish (Poland) translation provided by Kajaczek
  • Portuguese (Brazil) translation provided by AndrVasconcellos, MarceloSrougi
  • Swedish (Sweden) translation provided by
  • Turkish (Turkey) translation provided by OsmanERDOAN, Hseyinzkan, BlentDnmez

Features of the framework

This plugin uses the SL framework. This framework eases the creation of new plugins by providing tools and frames (see dev-toolbox plugin for more info).

You may easily translate the text of the plugin and submit it to the developer, send a feedback, or choose the location of the plugin in the admin panel.

Have fun !



  1. Upload this folder social-linkz to your plugin directory (for instance /wp-content/plugins/)
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
  3. Navigate to the SL plugins box
  4. All plugins developed with the SL core will be listed in this box
  5. Enjoy !


  • Where can I read more?



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