
Smart WP Login



Smart WP Login allows you to configure default WordPress Login, Registration or
Password Reset system to work with email and not username. You can enable this
feature individually on Login, Registration or Retrieve Password. So you can make
only Login using Email, Registration using Email or Retrieve Password
using Email


  • Enables you to use email instead of username to login, register or retrieve
  • Removes username field from WordPress login.
  • Removes username field from WordPress registration.
  • When using Login with Email, it changes the default WordPress login error and
    doesnt show username in error message.
  • You can also change login, registration and retrieve password related message.


Smart WP Login generates username automatically. Please see our FAQ section to
learn how it generates username.



  1. Upload entire smart-wp-login directory to /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
  3. Go to Settings > Smart WP Login and configure.


WordPress registration system requires a username while registering a new user.
Adhering to WP rules, Smart WP Login provides a username on behalf of user.
It assigns local part of email as username, ex: if user registers with
demo#[email protected], its username would be demodemo (no special chars).

In case username already exists, system tries to change username by adding a
random number as suffix. Random number is between 1 to 999. Ex: if user registers
with [email protected], and username demodemo already exists, its username
would be demodemo_546.

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