
Smart Cookie Kit



!!! Version 2.2 of plugin is compatible with Gutenberg for translations
!!! Version 2.1 of plugin is fully compatible with WPML and Polylang to easly manage texts translations !!!
!!! Version 2 of plugin is GDPR compliant Cookie name for user preferences is now CookiePreferences-[wp_install_dir] !!!

Like others plugin, Smart Cookie Kit blocks cookies until the visitor accepts them, but it unlocks them asyncronously (without refreshing the current page): this logic increases server performance, improve user experience, and, more important, makes the plugin compatible with cache plugins!!
Thinked for marketing-oriented sites, this plugin blocks standard scripts and conversion/remarketing scripts (including the noscript tag too).

Why I decided to create this plugin?
There are a lot of plugins for cookies management But:

  • Many work on the server, modifying some code portions directly in the output: if is there a cache system, it will cache the page in the version for the user that fired the cache creation (with modified scripts if the user has not accepted cookies, or with the original scripts if the cookies were accepted), and that version will be served to ALL visitors, regardless of their acceptance.
    The problem: it is not possible use cache systems.

  • When user accepts cookies, it is necessary to open another page to have original scripts working. A lot of plugin have done a step forward, making an automatic refresh of the visited page, but web servers have to work again to serve the correct page and this may be a serious problem with slow connections (think to mobile devices), heavy pages (without cached pages!!), pages with external resources (Youtube videos, Ads, Social Plugins, ). Has it ever appened that you start reading some content or jump below to search content of interest and the page scrolls back on the top because of a refresh?!
    The problem: worst server performance and user experience.

  • Many lets specify a page that contains cookie policy (to link that in the banner), but often they show the cookie banner in that page too.
    This is not a big problem, I know, but it is a detail!

I searched for a plugins that would not unblock cookies directly in the output from the server, to permit the use of cache systems; more over, I would like things faster and smoother without page refreshes and heavy loads.
My research had not satisfactory results (for me), so I decided to write my own plugin!

The main functionality are the following:

  • It recognises and modify automatically scripts, iframes and images to block them (the block happens directly in the output from the server).

  • It permits you to tag code to block.

  • It shows the cookie banner only if it is necessary.

  • It includes in the banner the link to your cookie policy page, and it does not show the banner in that page!

  • Once the user accepts the policy (or when policy is already accepted), it unblocks and run scripts via javascript, without a page refresh. Being via javascript, the unblock happens even if there are active cache systems!


Please write on the WordPress official support area:
For questions, support or suggestions, you could write to: info[-at-]nicolamodugno[-dot-]it



To install the plugin and get it working..

  1. Decompress the file and upload the dir smart-cookie-kit to the dir wp-content/plugins/ of your WordPress site.
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.
  3. The plugin is working now with default settings. You can configure it from Settings > Smart Cookie Kit men.


From version 2.1, Smart Cookie Kit detects when a site is published in multiple languages with WPML or Polylang. In that case, it activates an option to insert the content of the banner in a mask similar to that for posts and pages, so it is possible to manage the contents translations following the normal translation procedure of the mentioned plugins.

This error occurs because something is trying to init the maps when the Google Map script is not loaded yet (it was blocked by Smart Cookie Kit!).
Give a read to this thread:

This problem is caused by the PHP version used on the web server. Please, change your web server configuration (or ask to your system administrator) to use a PHP version >= 5.4 (checking if others components raise errors).

Yes, optionally. The plugin can save a log into the server every time a visitor updates his preferences.
The logs are stored and protected from public access in the /wp-content/cookie-preferences-log/ directory.

Depending on the theme, the default CSS rules may not be enough to view correctly the banner.
It may help modify the field CSS for banner content adding this rule: box-sizing:border-box;

Yes, optionally. From the version 2.0.4 of Smart Cookie Kit

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