
Seriously Simple Transcripts



This plugin is an add-on for Seriously Simple Podcasting and requires at least v1.14.8 of Seriously Simple Podcasting in order to work.

Seriously Simple Podcasting is great for getting your audio (or video) content out there and making it available for everyone to find, but often you want to add that little bit of extra value for your listeners by supplying them with a written transcript of your episodes. Sure you can do this by pasting all the text in your episode content, or adding a manual link in there, but a more automated and altogether cleaner option would be really great. That is exactly what this plugin provides.

Simply upload your transcript file (in any format) just like you would upload your podcast audio/video file and the link to download the transcript will appear underneath the episode media player with the rest of your episode details.

Primary Features

  • Adds a new file upload field to your episodes for adding your transcript file
  • Adds a Download transcript link alongside the rest of the episode details on your episodes

How to contribute

If you want to contribute to Seriously Simple Transcripts, you can fork the GitHub repository all pull requests will be reviewed and merged if they fit into the goals for the plugin.



Installing Seriously Simple Transcripts can be done either by searching for Seriously Simple Transcripts via the Plugins > Add New screen in your WordPress dashboard, or by using the following steps:

  1. Download the plugin via
  2. Upload the ZIP file through the Plugins > Add New > Upload screen in your WordPress dashboard
  3. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress


In order to use this plugin you need to have at least v1.14.8 of Seriously Simple Podcasting. If you do not have Seriously Simple Podcasting active or you are using a version older than v1.14.8 then this plugin will do nothing.

The Download transcript link will only appear on episodes to which you have uploaded a transcript file. If you dont upload a file then the link will not appear.

While PDF would be the most common file format for this kind of thing, you can upload absolutely any type of file that you like.

The transcript file works in exactly the same way as the podcast audio/video file if you arent uploading it directly to your WordPress site, then all you need to do is paste the URL of the file into the Transcript file field when editing your episode.

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