
RC Flight Manager



Link zur deutschen Version: LIESMICH

RC Flight Manager provides an online roster for flight manager duties on you model club website.

Modell airfields need to have a flight manager onsite while the pilots are flying their model aircrafts. Normally one club member is the assigned flight manager for the day and has to take care that the local air safety regulations are obeyed by the pilots.

Online Flight Manager Roster

Displays a table with all dates for which flight managers need to be assigned. For each date, the assigned flight manager is shown.


  • Display the current flight manager roster on any wordpress page or post
  • Duties are saved in the wordpress database
  • Todays date and flight manager is highlighted in the roster
  • Todays flight manager on duty can be shown in a sidebar widget
  • E-Mail notification for flight managers (two weeks and again two days before their duty)

Club Members (WordPress Subscribers) can

  • take over an empty duty
  • swap their duty with other members
  • handover their duty to other members

Club officials (WordPress Contributers) can

  • add new dates to the roster
  • delete dates from the roster
  • assign members to dates
  • add/change/remove labels on dates (e. g. to mark an event on that date)

Administrators (WordPress Administrators) can

  • activate/deactivate E-Mail notification
  • configure notification E-Mail subject and text

Booking System for flight slots

This feature can be used to limit the number of persons on the airfield (e. g. due to local COVID-19 regulations). Flightslots can be booked by up to a maximum number of persons. This maximum limit can be configured by the Administrator.


  • Display a table with pilots who have reserved timeslots on current day
  • Each hour is one flightslot

Club Members (WordPress Subscribers) can

  • book multiple flightslots for a day

Administrators (WordPress Administrators) can

  • configure how many pilots are allowed on the field at the same time


Just point your browser to the URL of the wordpress page/post where you have placed the shortcode and start adding dates.



Installation of the plugin is easy. You can install and activate the plugin from your wordpress dashbord:

Automated installation from wordpress directory

  1. Make a backup!
  2. Navigate to Plugins -> Add New
  3. Search for RC Flight Manager
  4. Click Install Now
  5. Activate the plugin with Activate

Display the Online Flight Manager Roster

Place the shortcode [rc-flight-manager-schedule] on any wordpress page on which you want to show the flight manager roster.

Use the shortcode parameter months= to specify how many months starting from current month are displayed in the roster.


[rc-flight-manager-schedule months=3] => Shows the next 3 months 

Display the Booking System for flight slots

Place the shortcode [rc-flight-slot-reservation] on any wordpress page on which you want to show the booking system.




WordPress seems to cache the translation files and might not update them correctly during a plugin update. Open the [wp-contentlanguagesplugins] folder of your WordPress installation and delete the following files:

  • rc-flight-manager-de_DE.po

The new tranlation files should be loaded on the next refresh of the page.

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