
QR Twitter Widget



Display your latest tweets in just a few clicks on your site.

A simple widget/shortcode which lets you add your latest tweets in your content or widget areas. Get started in just a few clicks and use the provided Widget/Shortcode to easily display your Tweets on your website.

There is no need to create a Twitter application and provides a nice interface to display your tweets in an easy way, just install the plugin and set the options.

It uses the official Twitters Embedded Timelines Widget functionality. Twitter offers embeddable timelines that allow you to display any public Twitter feed on your blog. These timelines are interactive, so readers can reply, retweet and favorite tweets straight from your blog or website.


  • Very easy to setup and use.
  • Dont need to create an API.
  • Automatically detect your site language to load and display Twitters text components.
  • Display the latest Tweets from a Twitter account, lists, likes, or your curated collections.
  • Scripts only loaded when its necessary (only on those pages that contain the widget) improving the speed of your site.
  • You can blend your tweets professionally by customizing the link color, border color, background choice and other useful options.
  • Support for multiple Twitter accounts.
  • Multisite support.

Why do I develop and mantain this plugin?

I tried a lot of plugins (Jetpack included) and all of them load unnecessary JS and CSS scripts all over the site, even when the plugin/widget is not displayed. Every file/script loaded in your site generate extra requests for your server and affect your site load time, ending up affecting the final user experience.

Thats why I decided to develop this simple and easy plugin.

Rate Us / Feedback

Please take the time to let us and others know about your experiences by leaving a review, so that we can improve the plugin for you and other users.



You can use the built in installer and upgrader, or you can install the plugin

From your WordPress dashboard

  1. Visit Plugins > Add New
  2. Search for QR Twitter Widget
  3. Activate QR Twitter Widget from your Plugins page.


  1. Download QR Twitter Widget.
  2. Upload the QR Twitter Widget directory to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory, using your favorite method (ftp, sftp, scp, etc)
  3. Activate QR Twitter Widget from your Plugins page.

Once Activated

  1. Visit Appearance > Widgets
  2. Place the QR Twitter Widget on your sidebar/footer and customize the layout options.
  3. Configure your Twitter Username and any other options as desired.
  4. Relax.


twittertl user=QROkes limit=0? replies=false width=325? height=500? theme=light linkcolor=#f96e5b bordercolor=#e8e8e8? header=true footer=false border=true scrollbar=false background=true

In Private Browsing windows, browsers will block content loaded from domains that track users across sites.

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