
POST2PDF Converter



This plugin converts your post/page to PDF for visitors and visitors can download it easily.

You can add a download link above/below every posts/pages.

Note: This plugin requires PHP 5.


  • Base on TCPDF.
  • Convert your posts/pages to PDF file dynamically or statically.
  • Easy to add a download link into every or specified posts/pages.
  • Support caching created PDFs.
  • Easy to add your TrueType fonts.
  • Easy to configure.


Support plugins

You can use POST2PDF Converter with following code syntaxhighlighter plugins and convert posts/pages with sourcecodes to PDF.

You can use POST2PDF Converter with following LaTex plugins and convert posts/pages with mathematical formulas, chemical formulae and charts to PDF.

You can use POST2PDF Converter with following translation plugins and generate translated PDF.

This list is only one example.




  1. Upload plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.
  3. Go to Settings -> POST2PDF Converter to configure.

Change the default font

  1. Go to Settings -> POST2PDF Converter to configure.
  2. Enter new font name to Font and Monospaced font option in PDF Settings section.
  3. If you allow visitors who receive a PDF to make changes to it even if they dont have the same font, disable Font subsetting option.
  • If your font file is xxxx.z, font name is xxxx.
  • Dont apply a proportional font to Monospaced font option.

Fonts for Japanese

This plugin includes following Japanese fonts.

Font name: cid0jp, kozgopromedium, kozminproregular

This plugin cant quite convert contents which include Japanese characters to PDF file using bundled fonts.

However, you can download better Japanese fonts and use them.

If your contents are written in Japanese, please install one of these fonts. You have only to upload font files without converting and configure some setting options.


  1. Upload all *.php, *.z, *.ctg.z files to /wp-content/plugins/post2pdf-converter/tcpdf/fonts directory.
  2. Go to Settings -> POST2PDF Converter to configure.
  3. Enter font name to Font and Monospaced font option in PDF Settings section.
  4. If you allow visitors who receive a PDF to make changes to it even if they dont have the same font, disable Font subsetting option.
  • If your font file is xxxx.z, font name is xxxx.
  • Dont apply a proportional font to Monospaced font option.

You can also use following fonts.


If you want to use your own TrueType font, you can convert TrueType font to a font for TCPDF using Font converter in setting panel.

Fonts for Latin, Greek and Cyrillic

This plugin includes following Latin fonts.

Font name: courier, helvetica, times

You can also use following fonts. However, If you allow visitors who receive a PDF to make changes to it even if they dont have the same font, you had better disable Font subsetting option.

Font name: pdfacourier, pdfahelvetica, pdfatimes

You can also use FreeFont or DejaVu fonts. However, If you allow visitors who receive a PDF to make changes to it even if they dont have the same font, you had better disable Font subsetting option.

Fonts for Simplified Chinese

This plugin includes following Simplified Chinese fonts.

Font name: cid0cs, stsongstdlight

Fonts for Traditional Chinese

This plugin includes following Traditional Chinese fonts.

Font name: cid0ct, msungstdlight

Fonts for Korean

This plugin includes following Korean fonts.

Font name: cid0kr, hysmyeongjostdmedium

Fonts for Cyrillic

You can use FreeFont or DejaVu fonts. However, If you allow visitors who receive a PDF to make changes to it even if they dont have the same font, you had better disable Font subsetting option.

Fonts for Arabic

This plugin includes following Arabic fonts.

Font name: aealarabiya, aefurat

You can also use FreeFont. However, If you allow visitors who receive a PDF to make changes to it even if they dont have the same font, you had better disable Font subsetting option.

Fonts for Hebrew, Armenian, Georgian, Ethiopian and Thai

You can use FreeFont. However, If you allow visitors who receive a PDF to make changes to it even if they dont have the same font, you had better disable Font subsetting option.

DejaVu fonts

This plugin inclues DejaVu fonts. However, If you allow visitors who receive a PDF to make changes to it even if they dont have the same font, you had better disable Font subsetting option.

Font name: dejavusans, dejavusanscondensed, dejavusansextralight, dejavusansmono, dejavuserif, dejavuserifcondensed

Note: dejavusansmono is a monospaced font.

DejaVu fonts support Latin, Greek and Cyrillic characters.


This plugin inclues FreeFont. However, If you allow visitors who receive a PDF to make changes to it even if they dont have the same font, you had better disable Font subsetting option.

Font name: freemono, freesans, freeserif

Note: freemono is a monospaced font.

FreeFont supports Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, Arabic, Hebrew, Armenian, Georgian, Ethiopian and Thai characters.

Add new fonts

You can add new fonts for TCPDF.

How to convert a font

Convert a TrueType font(*.ttf) to font files for TCPDF.

  1. Read TCPDF Fonts or Use Font converter in the setting panel.

You can download utilities to convert a font.

How to install a font

  1. Upload all *.php, *.z, *.ctg.z files to /wp-content/plugins/post2pdf-converter/tcpdf/fonts directory.

How to use the added font

  1. Go to Settings -> POST2PDF Converter to configure.
  2. Enter font name to Font and Monospaced font option in PDF Settings section.
  3. If you allow visitors who receive a PDF to make changes to it even if they dont have the same font, disable Font subsetting option.
  • If your font file is xxxx.z, font name is xxxx.
  • Dont apply a proportional font to Monospaced font option.

Safe fonts directory

After automatic updating, your added fonts will be removed.

If you enable Safe fonts directory option in the setting panel, your fonts will never be removed.

Before you enable Safe fonts directory, you must make /wp-content/tcpdf-fonts/ directory on your server manually. And upload/move bundled fonts and your fonts to new directory and enable Safe fonts directory.

Now you can remove original fonts directory.

  • Bundled fonts: Unzip a plugin zip file and you can find orignal fonts in /post2pdf-converter/tcpdf/fonts.
  • Original fonts directory: /YOUR PLUGIN DIRECTORY/post2pdf-converter/tcpdf/fonts
    ?You need not to upload all bundled fonts to new font directory. But you must upload helvetica.php, helveticab.php, helveticabi.php, helveticai.php to new font directory at least.

However, after automatic updating, fonts in the new directory will never be updated. You must maintain the new fonts directory by yourself.


You can insert the download link to your posts/pages using shortcode.

Note: Before you use shortcode, go to the setting panel and ebable Shortcode option.

[pdf]Click here to get a PDF[/pdf] 

This plugin allows you to set some attributes.

[pdf id="1643" lang="jpn" file="id" font="cid0jp" monospaced="cid0jp" fontsize="11" subsetting="1" ratio="1.35" header="1" logo="1" logo_file="my_logo.png" logo_width="45" wrap_title="1" footer="1" filters="1" shortcode="parse" ffamily="0"]Click here to get a PDF[/pdf] 

You can apply different font, image ratio, header logo on each posts/pages.

You can also make the download link for other posts/pages using id attribute.

Available attributes

  • id: set post id by numbers. e.g. 1245
  • lang: Set your language by language code. see Available languages below. e.g. eng
  • file: Set filename type to title or id.
  • font: Set default font by font name. e.g. helvetica
  • monospaced: Set default monospaced font by font name. e.g. courier
  • fontsize: Set font size by numbers. e.g. 12
  • subsetting: Set to 1 or 0 to enable/disable Font subsetting.
  • ratio: Set image ratio by numbers. e.g. 1.25
  • header: Set to 1 or 0 to show/hide header.
  • logo: Set to 1 or 0 to show/hide logo image.
  • logo_file: Set logo file name. e.g. tcpdf_logo.jpg
  • logo_width: Set logo width in millimeters. e.g. 30
  • title: Set to 1 or 0 to show/hide title.
  • wrap_title: Set to 1 or 0. When set to 1, long title will be wrapped.
  • filters: Set to 1 or 0. When set to 1, WordPress default filtes will be applied to the title/content.
  • footer: Set to 1 or 0 to show/hide footer.
  • shortcode: Set to parse or remove to parse/remove shortcode.
  • ffamily: If a PDF file has garbled characters, set to 1.

Note: When id is omitted, current post id will be set to. When other attribures are omitted, current setting value will be set to.

Available languages

  • afr: Afrikaans
  • sqi: Albanian
  • ara: Arabic
  • aze: Azerbaijanian
  • eus: Basque
  • bel: Belarusian
  • bra: Portuguese(Brazil)
  • cat: Catalan
  • chi: Chinese(Simplified)
  • zho: Chinese(Traditional)
  • hrv: Croatian
  • ces: Czech
  • dan: Danish
  • nld: Dutch
  • eng: English
  • est: Estonian
  • far: Farsi
  • fra: French
  • ger: German
  • gle: Irish
  • glg: Galician
  • kat: Georgian
  • hat: Haitian Creole
  • heb: Hebrew
  • hun: Hungarian
  • hye: Armenian
  • ind: Indonesian
  • ita: Italian
  • jpn: Japanese
  • kor: Korean
  • mkd: Macedonian
  • msa: Malay
  • mlt: Maltese
  • ron2: Moldavian
  • ron3: Moldovan
  • nob: Norwegian Bokml
  • pol: Polish
  • por: Portuguese
  • ron1: Romanian
  • rus: Russian
  • srp: Serbian
  • slv: Slovenian
  • spa: Spanish
  • swa: Swahili
  • swe: Swedish
  • urd: Urdu
  • cym: Welsh
  • yid: Yiddish
  • ltr: Other(Text direction: Left to Right)
  • rtl: Other(Text direction: Right to Left)


A. Go to the setting panel and enter following font names to Font and Monospaced font option.

  • Font: freesans, Monospaced font: freemono (For Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, Hebrew, Armenian, Georgian, Ethiopian and Thai etc.)
  • Font: dejavusans, Monospaced font: dejavusansmono (For Latin, Greek and Cyrillic etc.)
  • Font: aefurat, Monospaced font: aefurat (For Arabic)
  • Font: stsongstdlight, Monospaced font: stsongstdlight (For Simplified Chinese)
  • Font: msungstdlight, Monospaced font: msungstdlight (For Traditional Chinese)
  • Font: hysmyeongjostdmedium, Monospaced font: hysmyeongjostdmedium (For Korean)

You can also add new font for your language. For details, read Add new fonts section in this document.

If you still cant solve the problem, Go to the setting panel and enable Add default font to font-family option.

For detailed information about Japanese font, read Fonts for Japanese section in this document.

A. Go to the setting panel and set File name option to Post id in 2. PDF Settings section.

A. Adjust width and height attributes in tag or width and height properties in style attribute in tag or other elements.

A. If large size images are placed in same row, the images may disappear in PDF.

Adjust width and height attributes in tag or width and height properties in style attribute in tag or other elements.

Or place
tags after each image blocks.

When Safe fonts directory option is enabled, there must be some bundled fonts in new font directory. Upload helvetica.php, helveticab.php, helveticabi.php, helveticai.php to new font directory at least. You can find these fonts in /YOUR PLUGIN DIRECTORY/post2pdf-converter/tcpdf/fonts directory.

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