
Post Tiles



Post tiles allows you to use the shortcode [post-tiles] on any page or post and displays a grid of posts in a tile format. (Live Preview)

By default 8 posts are displayed. To change the amount of posts to display on the page, use the posts= attribute in the shortcode. Example: [post-tiles posts=10]

By default all post categories are called for the tiles. To specify the categories use the categories= attribute separating them by commas. Example: [post-tiles categories=1,2,4?]

By default the tiles use the excerpt trimmed to 20. You can specify your excerpt length with the excerpt= attribute. Example: [post-tiles excerpt=18]

NOTE: The category id numbers are listed below, next to the category names. You can use both the categories and posts attributes Example: [post-tiles categories=1,2,4? posts=8? excerpt=18]

Version 1.4.6

Arbitrary section

Enjoy it



  1. Upload plugin-name.php to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
  3. Under Settings Post Tiles configure any custom category post tile colors.
  4. Place [post-tiles] in your templates


If in the settings jQuery is turned on then by default everything loads invisible and is revealed with a fade. You should check your version of jQuery to make sure youre running at least 1.4 +. To test whether jQuery is the issue in the settings you can disable the jQuery and the plugin should appear.

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