
Pixobe Coloring Book



Add coloring application to your WordPress blogs/pages easily.

  1. Install and activate Pixobe coloring book plugin.
  2. No settings page for the plugin, straight away use the short code anywhere on your blog or pages, multiple times.
  3. Insert the short code [pixobecoloringbook src=""], on a page/blog to show coloring book app.
  4. Click here for a Demo

Troubleshooting and common issues

  • If the shortcode is not working, then be sure that if absolute path is used to display the image, the the path should begin with https:// on most servers instead of http:// and the image is ok to load
  • Make sure that the image path between the quotation marks is not converted to link when editing the page or post. Be sure that the path is a plain text and the image is ok to load.

Pro Version

Print, Download, Zoom, email functionalities are available in pro version.


Special thanks to khrisme, for helping me update the readme file.



Add the short code [pixobecoloringbook src=book.jpg] anywhere on your blog/pages.

Yes, you can create once and use as many times as required.

Yes, users can upload their own images and start coloring. Check this Demo

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