



This plugin enables you to filter posts in a particular category and then apply mass updates to selected posts.

Actions supported:

  • Update to selected category Delete the currently filtered category and set a new Target Category for the selected posts
  • Add selected category Adds the Target Category to the selected posts
  • Delete selected category Deletes the currently filtered category from the selected posts
  • Republish update the post date to the current time stamp.
  • Republish alter the post date by adding or subtracting defined amounts
  • Update post meta set the values for simple post meta fields
  • WordPress SEO hide update WordPress SEO post meta to hide posts
  • WordPress SEO unhide update WordPress SEO post meta to unhide posts

Scheduled republishing:

  • Scheduled republishing using WordPress CRON
  • Category republishing of the oldest post in selected Categories
  • Tag republishing of the oldest post with selected Tags
  • Republicizing using Jetpack publicize.



  1. Upload the contents of the oik-batchmove plugin to the `/wp-content/plugins/oik-batchmove directory
  2. Activate the oik-batchmove plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
  3. Visit Posts > Batch move or Oik options > Batch move to start changing posts categories or publication dates.

  1. Visit Posts > Batch move
  2. Use the Selection criteria to list the posts you may want to alter and click on Filter.
  3. Select the posts to change.
  4. Select the target category, choose the Action to perform, click on Apply changes.

To enable scheduled republishing:

  1. Activate the oik-batchmove plugin
  2. Visit oik options > Scheduled republish to enter the settings you want to use.
  3. Ensure Activated? is checked
  4. Click on Update

This will enable the WordPress CRON scheduling to perform scheduled republishing on a daily basis.

To disable scheduled republishing:

  1. With the oik-batchmove plugin activated
  2. Visit oik options > Scheduled republish
  3. Ensure Activated? is unchecked
  4. Click on Update

This will stop the WordPress CRON scheduling from performing scheduled republishing.

The Reposts for today box shows the posts that have not yet been republished.
When Scheduled republish is not activated then this will list the posts that were published on the date determined by applying look back to the current date.
When Scheduled republish is activated you would not expect to see any posts until you change the look back value.

The Reposts for tomorrow box shows you the posts that may be republished in the next scheduled invocation.

This scenario has not been tested.

If you have the oik-fields plugin then you can set the Do not republish checkbox.
Any post which has this checkbox ticked will be ignored by both Scheduled batchmove, Category republish and Tag republish.

Yes, using Jetpack publicize.

I get a message that says:
oik-batchmove may not be fully functional. Please install and activate the required version of this plugin: oik version 4.0

This message is asking you to install and activate the oik base plugin. There should be a link:

  • Install oik this means that oik is not installed. Click on the link to download the latest version of oik
  • Activate oik base plugin this means that the oik base plugin is not activated. Click on the link to activate the installed version of oik
  • Upgrade oik this means that the activated version of oik is not at or higher than the required level. Click on the link to update to the latest version of oik

If you do not perform the action then the plugin wont work properly.

The oik base plugin provides APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) which deliver 90% of the functionality that makes this plugin work.
oik provides a lot of stuff, which is mostly dormant until you really need it.

The oik-batchmove plugin is dependent upon oik v3.1, or higher.

Yes. Before developing oik-batchmove I tried these plugins.

At the time, they didnt satisfy my customers original requirements.

Im not aware of any other plugins that perform Scheduled republishing or Category republishing logic.

If you want to read more about the oik plugins then please visit the
oik plugin the oik plugin for often included key-information

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