
Nutrition Facts Vitamins



This plugin creates a Label custom post type which can be assigned to any page or post.

  • Includes Vitamins D, Calcium, Iron and Potassium
  • Not a Significant source of _____ line will be generated for blank fields
  • Add user generated additional vitamins
  • Use the shortcode [nutrition-label id=XXX] to display a nutrition label.
  • When creating the label you can also specify the page/post and use shortcode [nutrition-label] to display the nutrition label that has been attached to the page/post.
  • Developers can add do_shortcode([nutrition-label]) to their templates.
  • For a Bilingual Label see my Canadian Nutrition Facts Label plugin


I appreciate all donations, no matter the size. Further development of this plugin is not contingent on donations, but they are a nice incentive. To donate click on the donate to this plugin link in the sidebar below the Authors.



  1. Install via the plugin directory or by uploading the nutrition-facts-vitamins folder to the /wp-content/plugins directory

  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress

  3. Create a label in the new Labels custom post type section of the admin. See units instructions for assistance.

  4. Include the shortcode [nutrition-label id=XXX] where you want a specific label to be displayed. Change id=XXX to the specific id number for your label.

  5. DEVELOPERS: include echo do_shortcode([nutrition-label]); in your page template. Then specify the Page or Post when creating the label.


  1. Install via the plugin directory or by uploading the nutrition-facts-vitamins folder to the /wp-content/plugins directory

  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress

  3. Create a label in the new Labels custom post type section of the admin. See units instructions for assistance.

  4. Include the shortcode [nutrition-label id=XXX] where you want a specific label to be displayed. Change id=XXX to the specific id number for your label.

  5. DEVELOPERS: include echo do_shortcode([nutrition-label]); in your page template. Then specify the Page or Post when creating the label.

[nutrition-label] or [nutrition-label id=XXX] Change id=XXX to the specific id number for your label.

Include echo do_shortcode([nutrition-label]); in your page template. Then specify the Page or Post when creating the label.

See screenshot #7 you click Add New Vitamin then edit the field label to give the vitamin a name

Leave a vitamin blank and it will be added to the line. If you put a 0 in the field, it will not be added. You can also add new vitamins, label them in the order you want them to appear, and leave the field blank. Such as Not a significant source of vitamin C, or thiamine.

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