
Ninja Job Board – Ultimate WordPress Job Board Plugin



Ninja Job Board is made for small and medium organizations to reduce their pain on hiring new people. The ultimate goal of this job board plugin is to make the recruitment process as easy as possible with a little time invested.

Ninja Job Board is a self-hosted WordPress Plugin where you can build a questionnaire form by drag and drop form builder.

The Following Form fields are available:

  • Applicant Name
  • Applicant Email
  • CV Upload Field
  • File Upload Field
  • Single Line Text
  • Texarea Field
  • Number Field
  • Dropdown Select Field
  • Radio Choice Field
  • CheckBoxes
  • Date Field
  • Hidden Input Field
  • Markup HTML
  • Form Steps to breakdown your form to several pages.
  • More is coming soon.

Why another WordPress job board plugin?

The developers of Ninja Tables went through the stress, and they wanted one excellent solution for that. As a result, this plugin sees the light and is presented to the world for making others beneficial, too.

Application processing via emails sucks

Its a real challenge for startups and small enterprises to recruit talents painlessly. Using a job portal is costly, and accepting applications via emails is distressing and messy because its hard to keep track of all the emails and sort and manage applicants into categories.

The easiest way to create listings

Ninja Job Board makes it plain and simple. Every time you want to hire for your company, create a job listing on your website. The listings are effective, well-organized, and above all, easy to manage.

No need to train your HR Manager

As the tool implies with simplicity, you dont need to train your HR manager to know how to run it. The tool itself is self-explanatory means anyone can understand whats going on right after entering it.

Application filtering and search

From creating a new application real fast to keeping track of every single application, Ninja Job Board is meant for success. Besides sorting the data based on categories, you can apply search and filter on the table.

A clean and eye-pleasing interface

The UI is pretty simple that encourages users to interact more without any fear of making things complicated. Additionally, the admin panel is created carefully to ensure better user experience. This is the perfect job listing plugin for smart recruiters.

Application Management

With built-in application management system, you can see the total applications of your job post. You can also set application status as well as internal status.

In individual application view page, you can see the complete submitted data, uploaded applicant cv. You can also change the application status and internal status easily. One of the important feature is, you can add notes to each application.

Email Broadcast to Applicants

Send email to Applicants as bulk and you can select filter by application status and internal status before send.

Super fast and Light Weight Form

This is a super fast form builder and its only loads css and js if you add the form in a page. Every line of CSS and JS is useful and there has no extra css and js. For a normal form, Its loads less than 30KB css and js combined. This form builder plugin will not slow down your site. its the fastest form builder plugin in WordPress. It has also a nice interface to give detailed information of your job post.


  • Add new job posting on your WordPress site, whenever you want
  • The UI is clean and simple
  • Searching and filtering options available for job listings
  • Make Shortlists easily based on your criteria
  • Print the application data if its necessary
  • Intuitive form creation via readymade input fields
  • Attach file option to include a CV
  • Create multiple job listings at a time and check on them separately
  • Its easy to operate by anyone
  • All submitted data are easily searchable and filterable
  • Add a note against an application to mark it for reviewing in future
  • View the uploaded CV as a PDF
  • Notify the applicants and HR manager simultaneously after an application is submitted
  • Schedule the application to open at a specific time
  • Categorize the application based on its status

Features Tracker

  • Job Posting with information (DONE)
  • Application Form Builder (DONE)
  • CV Management System (Done)
  • Application status management (Done)
  • Filter Applications based on status (Done)
  • Search Applications with keywords/full text search (Done)
  • Email Notification System management (Done)
  • Send bulk emails to the applicants and filter by application status (Done)
  • Export Data as CSV/Excel/JSON *(On development)
  • Application Assesment for HR Department (On development)

This plugin is a very planned project, and we have a long term development plan for this. We already invested around 200 human working hours (+coffees) on it, and we have the intention to spend much more on it. Please let us know what features you want, and we are happy to add that in our development sprint.

The full source code is available on Github.

Other Plugins by WPManageNinja



This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins screen in WordPress
  3. Use the WPPay Forms -> All Forms -> Add a Job Posting and get started.


Go to Ninja Job Board from WordPress admin panel. Create Add new job and give it a Title. Describe the job and add other information: no. of vacancies, years of experience, etc.

Each Job post will have its own permalink to show.

You can easily customize the application process from the dashboard.
Check this doc to know the application customization

Yes, you can change it from the backend and modify with your latest information.

You can set a thank you page to redirect users there or use a custom URL right from the setting.

Use the shortcode [wp_job_list] to show the open job listings.

From email setting, you can set it up who will get notified about the submissions. You can include the HR manager and other persons as well.

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