
Menu Rules



This plugin has been replaced by Context Manager

Context Manager does the same job as Menu Rules, but comes with many more features to save you time and unnecessary coding.

Menu Rules can run alongside Context Manager while you migrate your rules across. Speak to me on Twitter if you need any help with the transfer.

About Menu Rules

In WordPress theres no way to apply context to the menu system. Menu Rules solves this problem and gives you a framework to write your own menu extensions.

Example usage

You have an e-commerce website that has a custom post type called products. You have a page that lists products which is listed in your main menu. A user visits the page and the menu item becomes active. You click through to a product and the menu item loses its active state. This is how to fix it with menu rules:

  1. Install the Menu Rules plugin
  2. Add a menu rule
  3. Give it a meaningful name in the title field. This is just for administration purposes
  4. In the conditions field enter is_singular( 'product' )
  5. Choose Emulate current page as a child but do not create a menu item. as the menu rule
  6. Find your products page in the menu dropdown
  7. Hit publish

Extending Menu Rules

  1. Create a class that extends Menu_Rules_Handler and includes a handler method.
  2. Write your custom functionality
  3. Register your class using add_action( 'plugins_loaded', create_function( '', 'Menu_Rules::register( "Your_Menu_Rule_Class" );' ) );

Built-in rules are found in menu-rules/rules/


If youre stuck, ask me for help on Twitter.


  1. Download and unzip the folder from the WordPress plugins repository
  2. Upload the menu-rules folder into to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  3. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
  4. Open the Appearance menu item and click the Menu Rules link
  5. Add a new menu rule and click ok.

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