
Live updates from Excel



The ipushpull WordPress plugin makes it easy to automate updates from your desktop Excel spreadsheets into your WordPress pages.

Push data from Excel

  • Push your data and formats at the click of a button from your existing spreadsheets with our Excel add-in. No file uploads required.

Live updates

  • Update your webpages automatically as data changes in your spreadsheet. Share only the latest information with your site visitors.

Live charts too!

  • Push your Excel charts automatically to WordPress too.

Take a look at this page on the ipushpull blog to see the plugin in action.

Youll need an ipushpull account to use the plugin sign up for a free trial here!


  • Display the latest data from your desktop spreadsheets in your WordPress pages
  • You dont need to save the source spreadsheet to update the data
  • Your content updates automatically the reader does not need to refresh their browser to get the latest update
  • You choose the range of cells that gets displayed
  • You control the update frequency every few seconds, every hour, every day
  • Data can be public or password protected


Take a look at this page on the ipushpull blog to see the plugin in action.

For more information please visit the ipushpull website and the ipushpull Help and Support Centre.

User Guide

When you sign up to ipushpull we create a Folder for you, containing live data Pages. You can then push data to these pages from desktop Excel spreadsheets, databases or any of the other applications we support.



You can install the ipushpull WordPress plugin using any of these standard methods:

Install using WordPress administrator panel

  1. In your WordPress admin panel, go to Plugins -> Add New
  2. Type ipushpull in the search box
  3. Click on the Install Now link below the plugin title
  4. After installation is finished, click on the Activate Plugin link

Upload using WordPress administrator panel

  1. Download the plugin ZIP file
  2. In the WordPress admin panel navigate to Plugins -> Add New
  3. Click on the Upload link
  4. Select the zip file you downloaded and confirm submission
  5. After installation is finished, click on the Activate Plugin link

Manual Upload

  1. Download the plugin ZIP file
  2. Upload the contents of the ZIP file into wp-content/plugins
  3. Open your WordPress administration panel
  4. Navigate to Plugins -> Installed Plugins
  5. Click on Activate Plugin link below the plugin title

After installation

  1. Sign up for a free ipushpull account and download and install our Excel add-in
  2. Create an ipushpull Page and start pushing data to it from your desktop Excel
  3. Make the Page Public if you want all visitors to your site to see it
  4. Embed the page in your WordPress site using the following shortcode:

    [ipushpull_page folder=my_folder_name page=my_page_name height=300px]


  1. Sign up for a free ipushpull account and download and install our Excel add-in
  2. Install the WordPress Plugin and Display live data From Excel
  3. Make the Page Public if you want all visitors to your site to see it
  4. Embed the page in your WordPress site using a shortcode. Use our shortcode generator or write one like this:

    [ipushpull_page folder=my_folder_name page=my_page_name height=300px]

More documentation can be found at the ipushpull Support Centre.

Sure this page on the ipushpull WordPress blog includes several examples.

Yes we have a demo ipushpull page that is constantly being updated. Its in the folder DemoExcelUsers and is called BlogSummary. You can embed this in your WordPress page using the following shortcode:

[ipushpull_page folder="DemoExcelUsers" page="BlogSummary" height="325px"] 

ipushpull users with a Business or Enterprise account can control the appearance of the toolbar. For more details about these packages please see our Pricing Page.

This means that the ipushpull Page has not been set to Public. A Page has to be Public if you want every visitor to your website to be able to see it.
See this support article for instructions.

This means that you have made a mistake with the Folder or Page name in your shortcode. Correct the problem and try again.

Support pages havent answered your question? Email [email protected] for further help.

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