
Intro Tour Tutorial DeepPresentation



The ultimate introductory tours that you can create intuitively using the visual front-end builder and detailed configuration in the admin board. You can teach users how to use your site, or introduce a new feature or product in an effective and user-friendly way. The tour is designed to guide the user with their full attention in the way you define, without sharp breaks in the tours story. The plugin offers a flexible definition of your tour and its a start.

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 Fully test all PRO features, including the admin interface, on our automatically generated demo installation made just for you

How easy is to build intro tour with visual frontend builder

Key Features of FREE version of Intro Tour Tutorial Plugin from DeepPresentation

Key Features in the Free DP Intro Tours plugin include:
* Visual frontend builder: You can create and edit all steps and also tours trigger element visually right from a frontend.
* Flexible configuration: You can specify single page tour step-by-step comfortably in user friendly way with baked in frontend builder and detail configuration in admin board.
* Single page tours: You can specify as many single page tours as you want.
* 2 Fancy theme styles: You can choose from 2 fancy themes for styling of presentational elements and choose the most suitable one to match vibe of your web. You can also enable/disable displaying of selected presentation elements in plugins option page.
* Accent color: You can override default accent color globally for all tours
* 1 Start trigger configurations: You can easily choose from variety of ways, how and where should tour start and also if start is required just for users first visit.
* Fancy smooth design: Tour is designed to lead user with his/her full attention in way you define without sharp breaks of tours story.
* Smart tooltip positioning: The best position for tooltip with your content is found automatically in each step to get the best responsive view even on mobile. You can also specify your preferred position for each step.
* WPML translation: You can translate your tours with popular WPML plugin.

Key Features of PRO version of Intro Tour Tutorial Plugin from DeepPresentation

All features from FREE version are included, some of them are extended and new features are added in PRO Edition
* Multi-page tours: Yes! You dont need to limit yourself to just single-page intro tour. With PRO version. your tour can rock your whole web up !!
* 5 Fancy theme styles: You can choose from 5 fancy themes for styling of presentational elements and choose the most suitable one to match vibe of your web. You can also enable/disable displaying of selected presentation elements in plugins option page.
* 2 Start trigger configurations: There is plenty ways how you can configure my starting already in FREE version. However in PRO you can setup simultaneously 2 trigger configurations for each tour so u can combine their settings and cover huge amount of use cases. Also you get one more useful starting event. If you wanna start your intro tour, when user scroll in view, that contains specified element yes these all are possible in PRO version.
* URL variables: Would you like your visitors to take a tour of variable URL sites, such as a tour of all product detail pages and its sub-pages with product ID in URL, or user public dashboards with user ID in URL? In PRO you have opportunity to do so.
* URL parameter lock tour just for selected users: If you want to send an intro tour invitation just for specific person, you can send him/her url of tours start with a key (url parameter) (eg. for tour starting on home page:{Unlock key}).
* Tour on WP admin board: Would you like to offer your co-workers or those who have access to web administration interactive tutorials on how to use the WordPress admin board and all your custom integrated modules on it? In PRO you can easily create a tour also on the back-end side.
* Custom font: You can override default font of presentational elements for each tour separately
* Accent color: You can override default accent color of presentational elements for each tour separately
* Theme style override per tour: You can override default theme for each tour separately
* Mobile menu support: If you target menu element, with PRO it will play well also on mobile view.
* Mobile / widescreen view: You can skip a step or even select another target element depending on whether the step is displayed on a mobile or widescreen.
* Short codes support in intro content: You can insert WP short-codes in intro tips and make the tour a much more complex tool
* New features and styles are coming: More themes for styling and features are coming soon in following releases of PRO version as an exchange for your support via buying PRO. Thank you !!
* Priority support: Priority support and fixing of issues is provided in PRO Edition.

⭐ Buy Pro Version with many extra features & premium support.
 Donation helps to improve and update the FREE version. Thank You!

Advanced integration with standard WordPress PHP and JS Hooks


If any problem occurs, please contact us

 ‍ Free Support |  Pro Support



  1. Download and install the plugin from repository
  2. Go to page (public view), where you want to start tour. Choose Intro Tours and create new from top admin bar OR Go to Intro Tours menu in admin and add new.
    3 Follow an instructions there to specify your tour trigger and steps.
  3. Optionally you can tweak styling and labeling in plugins options page Admin board -> DP Intro Tours and particular tour settings Admin board -> Intro Tours in admin board


  • How to upgrade from FREE to PRO version?
    Just uninstall free version, upload pro plugin and set an activation key, that you received after payment, in plugins setting page. All already made tours created with free version will be kept so dont worry that you lose them due free version uninstalling.

  • Where we find Selectors for intro steps and trigger?
    You dont need to have a tech knowledge of css selectors as you can use baked in frontend builder to specify selectors visually. But you have still option to set/adjust it manually if you prefer to.

  • Can we chose from more design templates for intro tooltips and tour visualization?
    In free version there are 2 design templates you can choose from. In PRO there is 5 templates

  • Is possible to create multi-page tour?

  • Can we trigger intro tour by detecting, if specified element is scrolled in view?
    Not in free version. PRO version provides these and lot more features.

  • Can we allow triggering of tour just for specific users?
    Not in free version. But in PRO version, you can use lock by URL parameter feature, so if you want to send an intro tour invitation just for specific person, you can send him/her url of tours start (eg. for tour starting on home page:{Unlock Key}).

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