



High-speed, secure database plugin

FortressDB provides you with a safe and secure database to store sensitive information and files for your WordPress site.

Watch FortressDB in action:

FortressDB is secure

FortressDB offers dedicated Google servers and high-level encryption to safely store your data and protect it from WordPress security vulnerabilities.

WordPress is designed for sharing information. This is great for Search Engine Optimization (SEO), but not so great for security, as files stored in wp-uploads can be found by Google and other search engines.

FortressDB removes this risk. Once youve installed the plugin, your sensitive data will be sent safely over SSL to our secure servers. Once there, only approved users will have access to your data.

FortressDB is fast

FortressDB is lightning fast. It was built for efficiency, using a modern database design to allow for handling even the most complex datasets at high speed.

FortressDB plays a similar role to a Content Delivery Network (CDN), but instead of displaying rich media content, FortressDBs structure rapidly loads data and files only when needed. This means a smoother, quicker experience for your website users.

By default, most content within WordPress is stored as posts. This means WordPress sites often have bloated tables with lots of joins, resulting in slower performance. FortressDB helps you fight this bloat.

The FortressDB database design was created specifically to handle complex data at speed. In FortressDB database joins are not required for data retrieval, meaning our plugin can manage the complexities of many millions of rows of data instantly. Watch our Million Rows Demo]( to see for yourself!

FortressDB protects your users privacy

FortressDBs most obvious benefit for privacy is that its completely secure. Sensitive data submitted via your website is sent directly over SSL to the FortressDB servers. We chose Google to host our servers in large part for their security reputation, so you can be confident that your data is safe.

Privacy isnt just about security though. In addition to being secure, FortressDB also ensures that only users with the correct permissions can access the data you hold, meaning you have complete control over has the power to read, write or delete your stored data.

FortressDB matches native WordPress user roles for this precise purpose. This keeps sensitive data safe and guarantees it can only be accessed by people who are logged in with the correct user role.

FortressDB offers a choice of server locations

We have secure servers in three different locations: USA, UK and Europe. When you create an account, you choose which location to use.

This flexibility is beneficial for companies that are subject to GDPR and similar privacy laws.

FortressDB has pre-built integrations with popular form plugins

FortressDB has integrations with the following popular WordPress form plugins, making it easy to secure your data and protect your websites users:

  • weForms
  • Forminator
  • Gravity Forms

We are working on adding more integrations. If theres a form plugin youd like us to support, let us know by submitting a ticket.

Learn more about FortressDB integrations on our website.



This plugin provides 3 blocks.

  • FortressDB Chart
  • FortressDB Map
  • FortressDB Table


Automatic Installation (Recommended)

  1. Login to WordPress
  2. Open Plugins > Add New
  3. Search for FortressDB
  4. Activate FortressDB from your Plugins page
  5. Create a FortressDB account to connect your dataits free. You will need an email address and a password. You will also need to select where you want to store your secure data: USA, Europe or UK.

Manual Installation

  1. Upload the FortressDB plugin to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
  3. Create a FortressDB account to connect your data, its free. You will need an email address and a password. You will also need to select where you want to store your secure data: USA, Europe or UK.

Find more information about installing FortressDB on our website.


Yes, of course! We encourage you to try out FortressDB using the free version. The free version may provide you with everything you need, and theres no need to upgrade if thats the case: were happy to support the open source community.

But if you need more storage, have multiple websites to support or want additional security measures then one of our paid subscription plans may be better for you. We offer Bronze, Silver and Gold packages, so theres a price to suit everyone. Find out more on our Pricing page.

Yes, and we have our own Gutenberg blocks!

We love using Gutenberg, its the present and the future of WordPress. To make it easy for you to use our plugin with Gutenberg, have created three types of blocks: a data table block, a Google Maps block, and a chart block. See examples on the FortressDB website.

Want more blocks? Tell us what other blocks that you want us to create.

You have absolute control over who can access the data you hold. For each data table, you specify which user roles can interact with the data, and whether they should be able to create, read, update or delete.

To keep things simple, the user roles in our plugin match the built-in WordPress user roles. Our plugin understands non-standard roles too, like the customer or shop manager user roles for websites with WooCommerce shops.

Additionally, you can choose a Not Logged In role for data that isnt sensitive, or for files that you are happy for anyone to read.

We have 3 different locations; Europe, USA and the UK. When you create an account you choose which location to use. This is beneficial for companies subject to GDPR and similar laws.

We designed FortressDB so that its simple and easy to use. You add fields in much the same way you would if you were using a form plugin.

You have the power to easily create and edit data tables and manage user roles directly from the FortressDB plugin settings in your WordPress admin area.

We handle all the technical bits behind the scenes for you, like creating the data table on our servers and connecting it to your WordPress website.

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