
Flexi – Guest Submit



No more looking for fast, easy gallery plugin with simple and very beautiful, highly customizable design.
With our plugin you can let your visitors to post images, YouTube , vimeo , PDF, MP3, MP4 & type of files from frontend without login and convert those content into gallery. If you allow membership, visitors can manage their submitted post & administrator have option for its visibility. At the same time WordPress professionals get advanced tools and freedom of creativity.
Just download and use blocks to generate gallery & forms.
Fall in Love with this plugin like we do!

Look Screenshots for quick understanding of its scope. You can do lot more then listed.

Live Demo



Flexi is divided into 3 sections

1- Forms Let visitors submit content from frontend (Eg. URL, images,video,audio, others)
2- Gallery Showcase of content into various layouts (Eg. Masonry Layout)
3- Detail View content into popup or in full detail single page. (Eg. Lightbox)


  • Gutenberg block Implemented Flexi Block (Visual Builder) for simple and fast configuration of the plugin in Gutenberg editor. Shortcode is generated along with live preview.
  • Advance Shortcode Generate Gallery & Forms and all other features with shortcode.
  • Fully responsive and Mobile features Plugin implemented with advanced settings for different devices screen size.
  • 3 Hover effects & 5 Caption effect at gallery page.
  • 3 Gallery layout & 1 Detail Page Masonry , Wide & Regular layout
  • Advanced Load more function implemented very attractive navigation mode. Auto pre loading images like endless list of the images. Available navigation options are Page Number , Load More Button, Load on mouse scroll
  • Tags for images every image contain tags for easy navigation and visitor can create new one during submission.
  • Multi Categories multi categories albums support. You can create your own galleries tree, depend of your needs with thumbnail of each category
  • User My Dashboard Page to view,modify, delete own submitted records.
  • Lightbox or Popup Popup opens for image,mp4,pdf,youtube,vimeo when clicked on thumbnail.
  • Detail page Content can be open in full Detail Page or single page with added features.
  • Extra Controls Lots of controls like Number of column , Records per page, Image dimension , Layouts , Icons visibility and many more.
  • Standalone Gallery It will display large image with small thumbnail separated from gallery group.
  • Gallery Filter Gallery can be filter based on different type (user, category, tags, type)
  • Gallery Sorting Gallery sorting based on (ID, date, name, random, modified)
  • Submission Form Form can be generated with Gutenblock and advance features and sorting options with the help of powerful shortcode. Separate forms for video urls & images.
  • Powerful Ajax Gallery, form have ajax and classic support. No change in page URL if ajax is enabled.
  • Icon Management Toggle view of various icons like view,trash, edit, profile
  • Temporary Disable Ability to temporary disable all forms in one click from settings.
  • Custom Fields Collect extra information from visitors while submitting form and display/hide it at gallery, lightbox & detail page.
  • Moderation All submitted can be moderated so that it is visible only after approval by administrator.
  • Any Type of File Ability to submit any type of file format allowed by administrator
  • File size limit Specify each file size (MB) limit that the visitors can upload.
  • Conflict Management Special settings available to manage the conflict with other plugins & theme.
  • Live Reloading If gallery & form is on same page, the submitted post will be visible as soon as form is posted without any page refresh.
  • Like/Unlike button Option to display like & unlike button at gallery & detail page.
  • Count Post View count for each post can be displayed at gallery & detail page.
  • Personal layout Developers can create their own gallery. Make a Installation file and handover to client for importing.
  • PHP function Own php functions can be added through shortcode to gallery so that gallery goes beyond the current features.
  • CSS Classes Options to add own css classes through shortcode. In setting page appearance & style to change look & feel.

Frontend Form Submission

  • Shortcode based form Builder
  • Submit any type of files and regular post without images too.
  • Create own custom fields and with control over duplicate entry.
  • Selection of category, inserting tags, bulk upload, captcha security and many more.

Layout Builder

  • Basic Detail layout 5 changeable location
  • Complex Detail layout 12 changeable location
  • Custom Lightbox layout 5 changeable location for popup


  • Ultimate-Member plugin. It will display user submitted records on user profile tab.
  • BuddyPress plugin. It will display user submitted records on user profile section and BuddyPress activity with image thumbnail.

Stress Free Gallery

As on the title, just copy paste [flexi-form attach="true"] to any wp-page and wp-post.
It will have gallery & form on same page. This form can be toggle display between member & public.
As soon as the form is posted, the submitted post will be visible at the page which wont be displayed on other pages with same shortcode.
You can also add/remove form fields based on pages & posts.
No more require to generate shortcode after the gallery is created as other plugins does.
Stress Free Gallery


  • Video URL Copy/Paste & video URL into submission form
  • Auto Thumbnail Thumbnail image for video is auto generated. No need to post thumbnail manually.
  • Lightbox Video is played over popup with full media controls given by provider.
  • Full Page Option to view video in full page with video detail long description & custom fields submitted by visitors.


  • YouTube URL
  • Vimeo URL
  • All type of images
  • All type of Videos Eg. MP4, m4v, webm (Video Player supports: //mp4, m4v, webm, ogv, wmv, flv)
  • Video files like mp4 will generate animated video thumbnail in gif format.
  • All type of Audio Eg. MP3, m4a, m4b
  • All most all type of files Eg. PDF, DOC, XLS, TXT, CSV
  • Flexi-PRO user has ability to add own file/type in settings.
  • Admin has ability to restrict & allow certain type of files


  • No extra files on media manager It uses WordPress default image handling. It will not create any additional image size on server which saves your space. Due to this features you can install other 3rd party plugins for image management. But you have option to set width & height of images based on true css only.
  • Implemented to avoid AJAX libs conflicts code implemented in native WordPress style as result our plugin dont have any conflicts and work really stable.
  • SEO Friendly designed as a wordpress regular post with additional features.
  • Multisite Support implemented multisite support. You can install plugin in admin dashboard and enable plugin for all child blogs.
  • Delete Post I permanently delete media files associated with post after it is trashed by user or administrator. No more unused images on your server.


  • List Album List all or selected album at sidebar or any widget location.
  • List Tags List all tags into dropdown list at sidebar or any widget location.
  • Flexi Showcase Widgets Easily place gallery at sidebar based on latest, modified & random post (Elementor supported)
  • Flexi Gallery Sidebar This is special sidebar for gallery page where any widgets can be added.

Category & Tags

  • Album Administrator can create unlimited deep tree category.
  • Tags User can generate their tags from frontend.
  • Album List Shortcode [flexi-category] can display album to frontend
  • Album Widget List of categories can be displayed at sidebar
  • Album Thumbnail Admin can set own custom thumbnail image.

Language Support

  • German language (de_DE)
  • Italian Language (it_IT)
  • Dutch language (nl_NL)
  • Hindi India language (hi_IN)
  • Spanish Language (es_ES)
  • French Language (fr_FR)
  • Danish Language (da_DK)


  • Batch images upload Allow to upload batch of the images by one click. Just drag and drop set of the gallery images and its upload automatically to the server.
  • Google reCaptcha support for form security while submitting form.
  • Custom Fields extra 17 fields on top of free version.
  • Edit Post Let visitors to update the submitted post with own set of fields.
  • More Mime Types Add more file type to allow visitors to upload.
  • User File Limit Limit the number of post to get submitted based on user roles.
  • File Size Visitors can upload more then 100MB cap limit to 9999MB.
  • Animated thumbnail High quality animated gif file for mp4 and other video formats

If any suggestion, contact at [email protected]
Byte update at



This plugin provides 2 blocks.

  • Flexi – Guest Submit
  • Flexi – Guest Submit


Search for flexi and install it as other regular plugins.
Go to Flexi Settings and follow the guideline, it will auto configure the required settings.


Process 1:
Click on ADD NEW PAGE in wordpress dashboard, at block editor insert FLEXI FORM & similarly on new page insert FLEXI GALLERY block. View form page to collect data and gallery page to display.

Process 2:
Some pages are automatically created including submission page [flexi-form] & gallery page [flexi-primary]. View and use those pages.

Process 3:
At WordPress dashboard, click on ADD NEW FLEXI POST and select file and upload as like regular wordpress post. Then create new page and use shortcode as [flexi-gallery] to view all post as gallery.

UPG is popular and people with some css,php knowledge find it as powerful plugins as it has lots of personal tweaks.
Flexi is generated based on feedback of UPG users and object oriented plugins so that it can be extended easily by developers.

At Flexi Settings all configuration are ready, but do check all automatically created pages should be assigned at selected field. Do not delete page even if not required.

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