
Email Obfuscate Shortcode



Obfuscate your email address or other sensitive information with a shortcode to prevent harvesting of your data.

Version 2.0 includes an improved way of displaying the email without relying on JavaScript document.write();


Basic usage

[email-obfuscate [email protected]]

Setting custom link text

[email-obfuscate [email protected] link_title=Email Bob!]

*Setting custom link title attribute

[email-obfuscate [email protected] tag_title=Email Bob!]

Using every available setting (this example shows their default values)

[email-obfuscate [email protected] linkable=1? link_title= use_htmlentities=1? use_noscript_fallback=1? noscript_message=Please enable JavaScript to see this field.]

Usage from a template or plugin

Below is a snippet that you can use in any template or plugin to apply the same obfuscation to an email as using the shortcode:

echo eos_obfuscate(array(email => $email, link_title => Email Bob!));
echo $email;

If the plugin is not enabled, the email address will just pass through and output in cleartext.


  • PHP 5.3 or higher
  • mbstring extension


  • Swedish


  • Better noscript_fallback. Enable people without JavaScript to see the email address using technique to inject empty spans via css.
    (Example: [email protected]



  1. Upload the email-obfuscate-shortcode folder to /wp-content/plugins/
  2. Activate the plugin (Email Obfuscate Shortcode) through the Plugins menu in WordPress
  3. Use the shortcode in any post, page or custom post type.


Email Obfuscate Shortcode converts your email address into JavaScript-based snippet. This makes the address unreadable to the vast majority
of email harvesting techniques.

Internet Explorer 6 and up, any Firefox, Chrome, Safari or Opera version.

To obfuscate phone numbers, names and other sensitive information, pass the parameter linkable=0?. This will print anything you
put in the email field as text onto your page, fully protected.

People without JavaScript will see a placeholder message urging them to enable JavaScript. The current placeholder message reads:
Please enable JavaScript to see this field.

You can customize this message by passing the noscript_message= parameter to the shortcode.

This protection has been proven very effective. However it is theoretically possible to harvest the email address if you run a real browser that resolves javascript (Selenium, Mechanical Turk workers etc.)

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