
Easy PayPal Custom Fields



This plugin makes adding a PayPal button to your site or blog very easy. There is no complicated shortcut syntax to remember (or to teach a client).

You can select on which type of post (including custom post types) youd like to display the button.

There is a settings page for default values (username, currency etc), which can be customized for individual posts. (This might come in for sites with multiple users).

Choose from four custom button themes (with custom button text): light, dark, blue and red. If you prefer, you can simply display a standard large or small PayPal button.

Your PayPal username is converted to HTML entities so it cant (easily) be harvested for spam by species 8472, or any passing Sith lord. Its not a foolproof method, but it helps.

This plugin is created for WordPress 3.x and supports Buy Now and Donation functionality.



  1. Upload the Easy PayPal Custom Fields folder to the plugins directory in your WordPress installation
  2. Activate the plugin (dont be scared!)
  3. Enter you default settings and select on which page or post type youd like the button to appear
  4. Add a new post (or edit an exisiting one) youll find another options box underneath the textarea where you write your blog entries
  5. Enjoy


Currently you can only use buy now or donate buttons. Ive tried to keep it as simple as possible.

In the edit posts screen (when youre writing a new post or editing an existing post), look under the textarea (where you write your blog) to find another settings box for the plugin.

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