



Sometimes there is no need for a huge, complex download manager, and lets face it theres rarely a need for an attachment page (who uses them right?).

Simply add a link in your post, shortcode, widget or page to the attachment page of the file you want your users to download, and thats it.

dwnldr will log whos downloaded it and when, and force the download without exposing your downloads URL.

And dont forget if you like the plugin, please remember to review! Thanks!

And if youre having any issues, or youd like to suggest a feature please write a support post!


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/dwnldr directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly, using
    the full unzipped plugin file.
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins screen in WordPress
  3. To add a download link, simply select your attachment using the Add Media button and select Link To -> Attachment Page.
  4. The attachment page is usually ?attachment_id=[your file id] (it doesnt matter what path you use, as long as the link ends in the attachment id).


You can find your logs on the edit post page in the dashboard.
If youre viewing your media library as a grid, make sure you click the Edit more details link from within the dialog.
If your media library is in list format, youll see a Downloads column showing you the total downloads for that item.
Clicking the download count, or the edit link, will take you to the edit post page, and the logs are towards the bottom.

Yes to change the file extensions that you want to allow people to download (instead of serving up the attachment page for that file), add the following to your themes functions.php file.

add_filter('dwnldr_extensions', 'my_dwnldr_extensions'); function my_dwnldr_extensions( $extensions ) {     return array('.pdf','.jpg','.jpeg', etc...); } 

You can also change, or add to, the data you want to log when a person downloads a file with the following.

add_filter('dwnldr_log', 'my_dwnldr_log'); function my_dwnldr_log( $data ) {     $mydata = array(         'anything_you_like' => 'some data about the download'     );     return array_merge($data, $mydata); } 

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