
Custom Login Admin Front-end CSS



Loads custom CSS on WordPress Login Pages, Admin and Front-end via the admin interface. Can be used with WordPress single install and WordPress multisites.

Custom LAF CSS is very useful on multisite networks. Admins can customize the look and feel of the network and add CSS for the entire network. Adding CSS to the front-end via this plugin is handy when common features need styling and you are not sure which theme the user will be activating.

Main features:

  • Loads custom CSS on Login, Admin and Front-end pages regardless of the active theme.
  • CSS for Login, Admin and Front-end is separately saved and used.
  • CSS is beautified and neatly presented in the admin.
  • CSS minification.
  • Multisite compatible.
  • Translation ready.
  • Compatible with Admin CSS MU plugin with inbuilt feature to import CSS.

You can add your custom CSS in WordPress Admin > Appearance > Custom LAF CSS of your WordPress install or the base site on a WordPress multisite network.

Upgrading From Admin CSS MU

Follow these steps if you are upgrading from the Admin CSS MU plugin.

  1. Install Custom LAF CSS plugin. Do not delete the Admin CSS MU plugin yet.
  2. Go to the plugin page and in the Admin CSS section, check the box that says Import and append CSS from Admin CSS MU.
  3. Click Save CSS. Your CSS should be imported now.
  4. Deactivate and delete the Admin CSS MU plugin.



For WordPress single install:

  1. Install the plugin through the WordPress admin interface, or upload the folder /custom-login-admin-frontend-css/ to /wp-content/plugins/ using ftp.
  2. Activate the plugin via WordPress admin interface.
  3. Go to WordPress Admin > Appearance > Custom LAF CSS and add the custom CSS you want.

For Multisite:

  1. Install the plugin through the WordPress admin interface, or upload the folder /custom-login-admin-frontend-css/ to /wp-content/plugins/ using ftp.
  2. Network activate the plugin via WordPress admin interface.
  3. In the base website go to WordPress Admin > Appearance > Custom LAF CSS and add the custom CSS you want.


To change the size of the h1 tags in WordPress Admin add this to Admin CSS:

h1 {     font-size: 40px !important; } 

To change the background color of the Login Page, add this to Login CSS:

.login {   background: #ECCFFF !important; } 

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