
Countdown Timer



The Countdown Timer Plugin is a 100% free and 100% customizable plugin, it will allow you to create different countdown models for your website. You can customize a number of parameters in order to make the plugin look exactly the way you want; you will also have the option of adding to the Timer the visual effect of circles in different versions.

The Countdown Timer plugin has 8 timer templates by default, so you can load and customize them at your will, you can also create your own template from scratch.

You must enter the target date and time and the Timer Countdown plugin will automatically calculate the remaining time and display it on the pages of your website that has the [timer-countdown] shortcode. You will be able to display the remaining time in years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds; or any configuration you decide. The remaining time will be calculated taking into account the time of your WordPress installation and not the local time of each connected user. In that way when the count reaches zero, it will reach zero for all users at the same time, regardless of where in the world they are.


  • Linear and circular Timer
  • 100% customizable
  • 100% free
  • Save/Load Timers
  • 8 default timer templates
  • Font Options (Family, weight, color, etc)
  • Hide on mobile option
  • Individual and Global Options
  • Box Shadow Effect
  • Border Radius Effect
  • Flash and Smooth backwards (Circles)
  • Square and round Stroke (Circles)
  • Stroke Width (Circles)
  • Smooth and ticks transition (Circles)
  • Side by side and vertical position
  • Goal Message option
  • Hide timer on goal option

How to use it

Just copy and paste the [timer-countdown] shortcode into the pages of your website > where you want the timer to be displayed.



  1. Upload the plugin folder TimerCountDown to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins screen in WordPress


NO, it uses your wordpress installation time (which could be the sames as your local time).

NO, the plugin is 100% free, have fun with it

Yes, I have include more than 120 parameters and options, so you will be able to customize almost everything

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