
Coronavirus COVID-19 Watch



Free live data shown on your dashboard and via shortcode or widget. Show up to date confirmed cases or deaths in your country or globally. The plugin will also add a helpful link in the top toolbar to quickly get more info. Theres also a widget that you can add to your footers or menus.

Check out examples and more on our blog containing the full documentation and examples.

Live data shortcode

The shortcode you can use in your posts will always reference the most up to date number of confirmed cases.

Use the shortcode [covid-watch] in your code to show the current number of confirmed cases.

You can pass a country and status, like [covid-watch country="France" status="confirmed"] or [covid-watch country="US" status="deaths"] to get results only from that country.

Listing all countries

To get a table of all countries and their respective current Coronavirus COVID-19 data, try [covid-watch country="All"], which will return a table of all current cases sorted alphabetically.

Pass the sort attribute to sort by confirmed cases or deaths, like so: [covid-watch country="All" sort="confirmed"].

Pass the limit attribute to limit the amount of results, like so: [covid-watch country="All" sort="confirmed" limit="3"]. The limit attribute only works in conjunction with the country="All" attribute.

Live map shortcode

This shortcode will display a map of all cases.

Use the shortcode [covid-live-map] in your posts and pages to show the map. You can pass the sort parameter to change how countries are coloured. Colour by population, confirmed (default), deaths, or mortality.

A full example might look like [covid-live-map sort="confirmed" height="250px"].

Historical data shortcode

You can also use the historical shortcode, [covid-history] to show a table of historical data.

Just like in the live data shortcode, you can pass attributes to the history shortcode, like so [covid-history country="France" status="confirmed" limit="3"].

Vaccine data shortcode

The shortcode you can use in your posts will always reference the most up to date number of vaccinations.

Use the shortcode [covid-vaccines] in your code to show the current number of administered vaccines.

You can pass a country and status, like [covid-vaccines country="France" status="people_vaccinated"] or [covid-vaccines country="US" status="people_partially_vaccinated"] to get results only from that country.

You an also create a table of all country data, as you can with cases. See Listing all countries and replace covid-watch with covid-vaccines.

About recovered data

Some similar plugins may provide recovered data. Weve been informed that a lot of countries are no longer reporting on recovered data because medical teams dont have the time to follow up with each patient. Because of this, Johns Hopkins and other data sources have stopped reporting recovered cases, and so have we. We recommend you dont show recovered cases as no accurate data is available.


  1. 100% free
  2. Up to date information from Johns Hopkins University
  3. Incredibly fast no performance impact on your site
  4. Shortcodes to have self-updating case numbers in your posts
  5. Admin dashboard box showing live confirmed cases
  6. Widget for confirmed cases that you can add to your footers or menus

Privacy policy

This plugin uses data from Johns Hopkins University and ARCGIS, provided via API thanks to M Media ( Heres a link to M Media, the API provider. Access the API directly here M Media. The M Media API privacy policy is here, the terms of use here and the JHU Data Usage policy is here.



  1. Search for the Coronavirus COVID-19 Watch plugin in Plugins > Add New.
  2. Press Install Now.
  3. When the installation is complete, press Activate plugin.
  4. Go to Settings > Reading to choose the country to show on your admin dashboard.


Yes, this plugin is free to use.

Yes, you can pass your country in the shortcode attributes.

Our data is updated every hour (on average).

The data is provided from Johns Hopkins University via the M Media API.

We recommend you dont show recovered cases as no accurate data is available.

Weve been informed that a lot of countries are no longer reporting on recovered data because medical teams dont have the time to follow up with each patient. Because of this, Johns Hopkins and other data sources have stopped reporting recovered cases, and so have we.

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