
CartPops – High Converting Add To Cart Popup For WooCommerce



Included For Free

Add a beautifully designed add-to-cart popup to your WooCommerce store within seconds, making it easy for customers to quickly shop and check out.

Learn more about CartPops features

✨ A Pixel Perfect WooCommerce Cart

CartPops makes your cart accessible from anywhere on your site and looks great on any theme or design.

  • Intuitive and beautiful design
  • Built with page speed in mind
  • Compatible with most plugins
  • WPML support and translation ready
  • Ability to replace the default cart page
  • Plenty of features for developers


Al though CartPops is compatible with most plugins. We have dedicated integrations with the following plugins:

 ‍ Make it yours

We get it, youre running a brand. Its important that customers feel at home. Thats why we made it really easy to customize every single color and make it your own. CartPops even has presets, to inspire and get you started!

You can customize

  • Buttons
  • Background colors
  • Text colors
  • Accent colors
  • Border colors
  • Overlay colors
  • and much more

 Floating Cart Launcher

Add a floating cart icon to your page that allows customers to access their cart quickly. You can even hide it until something is added to the cart.

 Powerful coupon form

A cart isnt complete without the ability to use coupons. Customers can easily add and remove (multiple) coupons using the AJAX coupon form. The coupon form is also compatible with most WooCommerce coupon plugins.

 Cart Launcher Shortcode & Menu Item

The Cart Launcher shortcode [cartpops_cart_launcher] enables you to place a WooCommerce cart icon in your menu or anywhere on your page.

  • Choose from different unique shopping cart and bag icons.
  • Select the type of indicator to use for the number of items in the cart. You optionally can hide the indicator if the cart is empty.
  • Show or Hide the carts current subtotal
  • If you own a CartPops Pro license, youll also have access to the Elementor widget for even more advanced styling and control.

⚡️ Power-ups: Product Recommendation Engine

Squeeze more revenue out of your customers by recommending products directly in the popup. Choose from upsells and cross-sells. Or, if you have a license, you can select custom products.

  • Customize the call to action text.
  • Select the type of products you want to promote, choose from upsells, crosses, or custom products (pro).
  • Select a fallback: You can choose to display random products or hide the recommendations altogether if no products were found.

 Theres more

  •  Change the animation: Choose how you like to animate the cart.
  •  Translation Ready: The CartPops codebase is ready to translate into your language.
  •  Custom CSS and JS: Add custom code on the fly that gets loaded after the plugins code. No more !important.
  •  Developer Friendly: Developers have access to customizable plugin templates (Beta), PHP Hooks and JS API (Beta), and a wide array of CSS variables.

Pro Features

Whilst the free version is rich in features. With the Pro version you can take your WooCommerce cart to the next level. Heres a breakdown of some of the features you get access to if you upgrade.

Explore CartPops features

⚡️ PRO: Choose From Different Add To Cart Triggers

Choose from different triggers: Cart Drawer, Popup Modal, and Bar. Each mode has a unique look and feel. Want to put more emphasis on recommendations? Activate the Popup and recommendation other items in your store.

⚡️ PRO: Free Shipping Progress Bar ?????????? 40%

Motivate customers to add more products to their cart by showing a progress bar. For example, if a customer has $30 of products in their cart, you can show a dynamic progress bar that shows that another $20 is needed to unlock free shipping.

⚡️ PRO: Change and calculate shipping directly in the Drawer

Make it a breeze for customers to change their shipping details directly in the cart. Now you can truly replace your default WooCommerce Cart.

⚡️ PRO: Secondary checkout buttons

Need to send customers to the default WooCommerce cart page? Or do you want a Continue shopping button? We got you! You can even enter a custom URL, if you need someone to view shipping terms.

⚡️ PRO: Cart Launcher Elementor Widget

With this widget, you can easily style the Cart Launcher and show it anywhere youd like. Take control of all the styling elements like text color, background color, hover effect, shadow, border, and much more!

 Get CartPops Pro today



  1. Upload to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
  3. Make sure to disable caching on your checkout and thank you steps

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