
Block User Ads



If you are running a Classipress site you know there can be some users that use your site for posting fake ads.

This plugin will block selected users from posting ads and renewing them also. Users will still be able to login, but wont be able to post any ads.

After you select a user to be blocked from posting ads, the user will be redirected to a new template (page) that you can customize.

You will be able to select an image and top and bottom text with all CSS parameters from size, weight, style

You can even use variables [home] and [desktop] to create links for user.

There is also an option to add an additional top and bottom text that can be used for commercial ads like Google Ads.

Included language file: English

Classipress theme is required for this plugin.

Feel free to download my other plugins:
CP Author Online
CP Phone Link
Custom Field Data Icons
EasyCPMods Toolbox
Faster with Stats
Minimun Order Amount




  1. Extract the folder into your WordPress plugins directory
  2. Enable the plugin
  3. Config the plugin under Settings->Block User Ads

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