
Additional Order Filters for WooCommerce



Do you have a large WooCommerce store with hunderd or thousands orders? Then this plugin created for you. Additional Order Filters for WooCommerce adds additional filters, with which you can easily and quickly find the orders you need among hundreds of others.

Plugin allows you to search by next filters:

  • Order Statuses
  • Payment Method
  • Customer Group
  • Shipping Method
  • Customer details (email, name, phone, etc)
  • Customer Billing Country
  • Track Number
  • SKU number
  • Date Range
  • Order price total

Absolutely free. Lets try it!



  1. Install and activate the plugin through the Plugins screen in WordPress
  2. Use the Settings->Additional Order Filters Settings screen to configure the plugin


Just open tabs with additional filters on Woocommerce orders grid page. Enter a value in the field you need and click Apply filters button.

Yes! You can separate values by comma ,. For example, in SKU field: MM123, AS321; Email: [email protected], [email protected], etc.

Yes! For example, order user phone is 1 (111) 682-5352. You can try search any part of this number: 682, 111, 53, 52, etc.

Try to refine your search. Fill in other fields, dont use part of the value.

Sorry for that. The author has collected the most frequently used filters. You can try to contact the author and ask to add a filter.

To contact the author by email [email protected]

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