



Acquire is an all-new multi-channel customer communication platform which aim to provide personalized and targeted conversations with the customers. It helps to build relations with the clients with strong communication, providing the features that jell up with every department be it Sales, support, marketing etc.
On the way to providing great services it also enhances the business in terms of revenue by targeted communication, easy contact, generating leads, automated support (reducing expenses) and many to name.
The Acquire extension for WordPress can significantly help you with increasing your sales and support for the customers. It would help the to-be customers to interact with your sales representatives and in return, this would increase the sales and your profits take a ride to cloud nine. With the same approach, you could also provide the round the clock, best support to your customers.

Key Features

Acquire extensions boost a plethora of features, in and out you will always find one or the other function of Acquire still yet to be discovered. Such is the functions list of Acquire. So, I will just jump to the key features of Acquire:

Enabled Chatbot :
With Artificial intelligence and self-training capabilities of Acquires Chatbot, we aim at automating 80% of your support queries that can be handled and answered by the chatbot itself. Your agents are busy handling and providing support to premium Agents. No Problem! A chatbot is here for your rescue.

Live Chat :
Live chat isnt only limited to a simple exchange of text messages between your user and the agent, but it also comprises video calling capabilities, audio calls and including text calls. You get a complete live chat solution with Acquire. Either it is Text chat, audio chat or video chat, you will have the utmost quality in every field.

Co-browse :
With the capability of co-browsing, fill out all the forms your user is stuck on, navigate to the hidden corners of website your user isnt able to, or just guide them through the process they have been stuck on. Co-browse opes an altogether a new horizon for the support team.

Proactive approach :
A user sitting idle on pricing for more than 10 mins, he might be thinking about the product or might be thinking about the pricing. The best way to know this out, come lets initiate a chat with the user. Yes, thats absolutely possible with the new Acquire Customer communication software.

Advanced analytics :
As important as support are to the client same goes with the analytics and chat reporting. You need to keep a check on the number of missed chats, answered chats, chats handled by the chatbot, Also you might need to navigate to the previous chats just so as to check, how were the replies given to the user and vice versa. Chat handling time, etc. are many features needed to devise a plan for better sales of the product.

Mobile Optimized :
The Best thing about the Acquire, open it across any platform and you would be viewing a perfectly fitting widget and the software is optimized for use on mobile too. It works exceptionally well in iOS and Android. No hindrance, no glitches just a smooth customer experience.

For more features visit:

Server side requirement
Acquire is hosted on Acquire server, so there is no requirement on the server side for you.
Installing Acquire on your website just needs a Widget code(provided by Acquire) to be added to the source code of the website.
Any platform like Windows, Mac OS, Linux, ASP,, WordPress etc are supported by Acquire.
For Voice & Video Chat your website must be SSL certified(https/secured).

Visitor side requirement:
Visitor/client will need any modern web-browser or a smartphone.

Agent side requirement:
Agent needs to login to Acquire dashboard for having chats and using other features. Dashboard can be used from Web, and Mobile apps (Android & iOS).

For any assistance, feel free to chat with our customer advocates on or email us at [email protected]
What are you waiting for? Signup Now



  1. Install Acquire either via the plugin directory, other download plugin then unzip the contents of
  2. Move acquire folder inside your wordpresss wp-content/plugins folder
  3. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
  4. You will now see Acquire menus in your wordpress admin section, open that acquire menu
  5. Activate your Acquire account and then you are done!
  6. You want new Acquire account ID register on
  7. Acquire plugin integration instruction see on our acquire web


You can register for new acquire account at

Go to acquire plugin section and click on Deactivate

if you want disable account then click Disable or active account then click on Active

Its simply as you install, go to wordpress plugins section, find acquire plugin click Deactivate then click Uninstall

Once youve installed Jetpack, you access everything at

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