
Accessibility Lite – A super lightweight WordPress plugin



Accessibility Lite has been developed by highly skilled programmers who are SEO oriented. This plugin was developed especialy for website owners highly aware of website speed preference and the effect it has on their SERP rankings.

This plugin will help your SEO efforts as well as accessibility compliance, Thanks to its lightweight coding and Fix missing ALT attributes on IMG tags feature.

Another great feature of this plugin is it automatically inherits your websites default font family and style.

Available languages: English (US), Hebrew

Plugin Features

  1. Disable/enable check mark
  2. Add/remove effect to items on focus mode
  3. Choose the type of effect for focus mode
  4. Links underline
  5. Fix missing ALT attributes on IMG tags
  6. Disable/enable the black screen
  7. Choose front end panel side (left/right)
  8. Choose front end panel icon
  9. Choose front end panel background color
  10. Customize icon size, shape and margins from top and side
  11. Hide the button to disable flashes
  12. Hide the button to to mark heading
  13. Hide the button to change background color
  14. Hide the screen zoom buttons
  15. Hide the font resize buttons
  16. Hide the button that change to readable font
  17. Hide the contrast buttons
  18. Hide the underline button
  19. Hide the button to mark links
  20. Include additional elements that should be affected with the font size modifier (customize to your needs)
  21. Exclude additional elements from the effect of the font size modifier
  22. Display a link to your accessibility statement page in front end panel
  23. Display a link to your feedback page in front end panel
  24. CSS Important (Advanced) Hardened the effect of some toolbar button with the use of CSS important

WordPress Accessibility made super easy!



  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/accessibility-lite directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins screen in WordPress.
  3. Use the Accessibility screen to configure the plugin.
  4. Use the default Accessibility icon that comes with the plugin or upload your own.


English (US), Hebrew

The plugin comes with a default white accessibility icon

Yes, the Accessibility Light plugin is fully customizable.

Sure! We recomend using the Loco Translate plugin:

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