Tethys WooCommerce fashion and minimalism template
Tethys is a premium eCommerce theme built with advanced WooCommerce and Elementor integration. You can create any kind of fashion, clothing, shoes, accessories store without coding skills.
Core Features
- Advanced WooCommerce integration
- Based on Elementor drag & drop builder
- 50+ Elementors elements
- Powerful Header builder
- Unlimited Theme Settings
- Settings presets
- Multipurpose layouts
- 100% Responsive & Retina ready
- WordPress 5.0+ support
- Multilanguage ready (WPML)
- 100% Translations ready
- SEO optimized
- Gutenberg support
- RTL support
- GDPR compliant
- Online Documentation
- Dedicated support team
- Video tutorials
- One-click easy installation
- Dummy Content included
- Clean and well-organized codebase
- PHP Object-Oriented standards
- Minified JS and CSS files
- Cross Browser Compatibility: FireFox, Safari, Chrome, IE11, Edge
- Frequent automatic updates
- Drag & Drop mega menu
- My account links
- Shopping cart widget
- Mobile navigation
- Sticky header
- Header overlap
- Colors customizations
- Parallax on scroll for all elements
- Upload custom icons for elements
- One page navigation
- Advanced search for different post types
- Flexible layout
- Custom container width
- Sticky sidebar
- Off canvas sidebar for different devices
- Cookie law info popup
- Page title layouts
- Built in breadcrumbs
- Prefooter area
- Unlimited Footer layouts
- Copyrights area
- Scroll to top button
- Pages custom backgrounds
- Unlimited colors
- Advanced typography settings
- Buttons customizations
- Upload custom fonts
- Typekit fonts
- Google fonts
- Header banner
- Custom headers for pages
- Custom CSS
- Custom JS
- Settings import/export
- Custom 404 pages
- Portfolio styles
- AJAX filters
- Load more button
- Infinit loading
- Masonry grid
- Appearance animations
- Projects navigation
- Related projects
- Minified CSS
- Minified JS
- Combine JS option
- Lazy loading for images
- Lazy loading custom placeholder
- Font display option
- Full control over JS files
- Different blog styles
- Load more button
- Infinit loading
- Masonry grid
- Appearance animations
- Boxed content layout
- Author bio area
- Related posts
- WordPress Post formats
- Post video & audio
- Instagram photos API
- Google login/register
- Google maps
- Facebook login/register
- Social counters
- Share Buttons
- Social follow Buttons
- VK login/register
- Twitter feed
Single product
- Drag & drop single product builder
- Images zoom
- Images carousel
- Different thumbnails positions
- Additional variations images
- 360 degree view
- Product Video
- Custom tabs
- About brand tab
- Products navigation
- Before & after add to cart content
- Share buttons
- Product reviews images
- Sticky add to cart buttons
- Quantity +/- buttons
- Different tabs layouts: tabs, accordion
- AJAX add to cart for variable & grouped products
- Size guides
WooCommerce Compatibility
- Different product hovers
- AJAX filters
- AJAX search
- Variations on the shop pages
- Variations swatches
- Promo popup
- SKU search
- Catalog mode
- Login to see prices
- Sale countdown timer
- Open sidebar widget after add to cart
- Popup after add to cart
- Responsive grid settings
- Load more button
- Infinit loading
- Masonry grid
- Appearance animations
- Stock progress bar
- NEW, HOT, SALE labels
- Brands functionality
- Built in compare (no plugins required)
- Built in wishlist (no plugins required)
- Built in quick view (no plugins required)
- Categories in page title
- Advanced filters area
- Different categories styles
- AJAX Products tabs element