
Avvocato – Lawyer & Attorney WordPress Theme



Full Elementor + Elementor Pro + ProElements ( Elementor Pro GPL Alternative) compatibility

Avvocato is built for Legal Advisers, Legal offices, Lawyers, Attorneys, Barristers at Law, Counsels, Solicitors, Advocates and other legal and law-related services and it is suitable for any kind of legal and financial activity – Barristers at Law, Counsels, Solicitors, Advocates, Accountant, Consultant, Consulting, Counsellor. It has purpose oriented design and comes with opening hours, Free Consultation Form, practice areas, case results, Q&A and team members pages. It is suitable for users with zero programming skills as well as advanced developers.

  • 100% pure Eleementor Pro theme
  • The theme is tested and works with the Elementor Pro GPL-free alternative ProElements
  • $290 worth of Premium Getty Images Stock included in the package for FREE
  • All images shown on the Demo Website come with the Demo Content and can be used for your next project without the need to buy additional licenses
  • Theme code only extends the Elementor and Elementor Pro widgets and adds cool styles and animations. This adds a layer of long-term stability and security.
  • Options to remove the Theme Code on a widget-by-widget basis
  • Extensive setup guide
  • Timely Support – 8 hours average response time
  • 23 HD WordPress Video Tutorials for beginners
  • No More Plugin Clutter
  • The best theme for beginners – No need for you or your clients to learn the new Theme Options Panel. Widgets or plugins. You only need WordPress + Elementor + Elementor Pro
  • Elementor Pro Global Styles Panel used as a Theme Panel
  • Elementor Pro provide full control of the Mobile and Tablet version + Customized Breakpoints
  • RTL Support
  • Header + Footer – built with Elementor Pro
  • Dynamic Content Layouts – built with Elementor Pro – Products, Blog posts, Blog and Product Archives, 404 pages, Maintenance mode page. Coming Soon Mode page and Search Results.
  • Mega Menus – built with Elementor Pro
  • Forms – built with Elementor Pro
  • Pop-ups – built with Elementor Pro
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