
Author Profiler



Allows the author/user to upload gravatar/photo/profile image directly from the user dashboard to display on their blog post.
Using the plugin you would not need to upload your photo on gravatar and directly upload it in your dashboard and the plugin codes add a code to display
the photo on author blog post.

Changelog 1.1

  • Tested with latest WordPress Version.


  1. Allows you to directly add author photo through dashboard
  2. No need to add any code on blog post, plugin automatically adds the photo on blog post.


  1. Upload author-profiler.php to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
  3. Upload your profile photo by going to users


It allows you to upload author photo directly from user section of the dashboard.

No, plugin takes care of it, and adds the image next to author name on his blog post.

No, any number of authors on the blog can upload their individual photos in the user dashboard and it will feature next to the author name on blog post.

Go to wp-content/plguins/author-profiler/author-profiler.php, open it in your php editor and go to line 116 and you can update width and height.
Visit to see how to implment.

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