
EMC2 Popup Disclaimer



EMC2 Popup Disclaimer uses Fancybox ( to display the popup, and jQuery-cookie ( to detect user session. Creates a cookie named emc2pdc that can be viewed with regular developer tools.

Easy to use! By default the script is added to the wp_footer action and will work quietly. You can also force the display on pages via shortcode or function call:
Shortcode: [emc2pdc id="42"]

Check the demo at !

To Do list:

  • Add No-JS fallback support
  • Create a selection of button themes
  • Add support for different lightbox types
  • Improve handling, add PHP cookie support

Known bugs:

  • Recursive post shortcode call results in chaos


EMC2 Popup Disclaimer will work straight out of the box. Theres a few options available from within WordPress, and future releases will feature themeable options.

Settings can be found in these locations:

  • /wp-admin/options-general.php?page=emc2-popup-disclaimer/emc2pdc-admin.php (Default settings)
  • /wp-content/plugins/emc2-popup-disclaimer/js/emc2pdc.js (Fancybox, jQuery-cookie settings)

The settings page is straightforward except for perhaps the Restrict operation to directory: setting. This is the operational directory of the jQuery cookie plugin default is /, which is your entire site. To specify operation for a certain directory, type it here like /store. More jQuery-cookie settings can be found at

Things of note:

  • Specify post ID using shortcode is optional ? if blank, it will use ID# from settings
  • Shortcode / function call will override wp_footer action
  • Debug mode will output visible settings on every included page
  • Setting an ID equal to the page you?re calling from results in mass chaos! If you set the shortcode [ emc2pdc id=10? ] on post ID 10 it seems to freak out a bit.



Installation is straighforward:

  1. Upload the /emc2-popup-disclaimer/ folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
  3. Configure settings at wp-admin/options-general.php?page=emc2-popup-disclaimer/emc2pdc-admin.php


You can add your own callback function for the Fancybox call in /wp-content/plugins/emc2-popup-disclaimer/js/emc2pdc.js in the .fancybox() call:
onComplete: function(){ Cufon.refresh(); }

I might be able to help you it totally depends on my schedule and workload. Send me an email! [email protected]. You could also post here on the forums.

If you want to jump the gun, make me a temporary user (with that email up there) and I will be more inclined to give you a hand. In return for my help, all I ask for is a rating!

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