
Neon text



Neon text allows you to create easily shortcode to customize your pages and posts with neon text effect. The shortcode generator helps you through the options for the shortcode.


This plugin uses chuckyglitchs jQuery script novacancy ( and makes it easy to use with shortcodes.

Available options :

  • reblinkProbability: probability of reblink(0 to 1), Number, optional, default: (1/3)
  • blinkMin: time(sec.) of minimum blink, Number, optional, default: 0.01
  • blinkMax: time(sec.) of maximum blink, Number, optional, default: 0.5
  • loopMin: time(sec.) of minimum trigger blink, Number, optional, default: 0.5
  • loopMax: time(sec.) of maximum trigger blink, Number, optional, default: 2
  • color: colors, String, optional default: ORANGE
  • glow: array of text-shadow colors, Array, optional, default: 0 0 80px Orange, 0 0 30px Red, 0 0 6px Yellow
  • off: amount of off chars, Number, optional, default: 0
  • blink: amount of blink chars, Number, optional, default: 0, (0 means all chars)

If you have a problem, you can contact me.



  1. Download from the download link on the web page where youre viewing this.
  2. Decompress the file contents.
  3. Upload the neon-text folder to your WordPress plugins directory (/wp-content/plugins/).
  4. Activate the Neon text plugin from the WordPress back-office.


You can use the shortcode generator in back-office to configure your neon texts.


Compatibility with all themes is impossible, because they are too many, but generally if themes are developed according to WordPress and WooCommerce guidelines, this plugin is compatible with them.

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