
SN Rating



SN Rating is an enhanced rating plugin for WP content which has got unmatched features that are still unavailable in existing rating related plugins. Along with post specific rating it provides geo location tracking. Now its also got support for Rich Snippets for better SEO rankings.


WordPress Integration

  • Easy to install
  • Works with any standards compliant WordPress theme
  • Plays well with other Plugins
  • Supports regular WordPress widgets
  • Multiple rating parameters setup for standard and custom post types. For e.g., two rating parameters for post and single/default rating box for comments.
  • Post wise rating scale configuration. For e.g. 5 stars rating for posts and 3 stars rating for comments.
  • Geolocation tracking to help analyze location wise ratings, a helpful feature to target specific countries/regions/areas.
  • Detailed rating information widget to know how many times a particular rating is chosen.
  • Facebook and Twitter sharing for social media marketing.
  • Rich snippet support for better SEO optimization.

Internationalization Support

  • Multi-lingual support.

Using the Plugin

Installation Instruction |
Configuration Instruction

Steps to Use Plugin

Once the plugin is installed you may have to perform a few steps to enable rating to your content.
To make the process easy we have divided settings under different tabs:

  1. Rating Configuration Tab:
    Rating Configuration Tab contains a list of entities available in the system. And here you can enable rating, factors mode (multiset rating mode) and most rated content mode.
    This page shows you a list of all entities in a table and related options are in an individual row.

  2. Rating Parameters Configuration Tab:
    This tab is for Rating Parameters/multiset rating creation which can be assigned later to those posts/pages/comments where user has selected Rating Parameters mode enabled.

  3. Analytics & Sharing Configuration Tab:
    Analytics & Sharing Configuration tab has got some advance features which are:

* Select Theme: You may select default rating images from predefined / existing rating images which also shows you a preview what a rating widget looks like.
* Stars Display Count: Number of images/stars you want a rating widget should have got, which will be common for every post type.
* Demographic mode: Rating details with regional information can be viewed once this option is set. To view information Rating widget should be assigned to a page region.
* Share Feature: This enables normal sharing of your content to facebook and twitter with a snippet of content and average rating information.

For Advanced Users

Advanced users can edit the CSS (and do just about anything).

We would appreciate your views and suggestions to make this plugin a success. Please mail us at [email protected] or [email protected]



  1. Upload the folder sn_rating to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
  3. You may also refer installation.html in plugins directory for more information.


After you enable the plugin next step would be to allow rating on your post/pages/comments. To enable them go to settings/Rating Settings.
There you would see a list of all entities existing in the system (Post/Page/Revision/Comments).
In front of every post type there is a checkbox Enable, check it and save your changes, rating will start appearing on the selected content post type.

Goto settings/Rating Setting on Rating Configuration Tab in the row of post type where you want to enable factors mode select Factors Mode checkbox and save your changes.

Once you enabled factors mode for an post type then the next stip would be to assign factors and doing so on page settings/Rating Settings at Rating Configuration Tab under entities section you would see a link Assign Factors (Multisets) to Rating the content.

Demographic mode is for showing rating details region/country wise. To show demographic details you must choose the widget Rating Details.

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