
Contact Form 7 – Repeatable Fields



This plugin adds repeatable groups of fields to Contact Form 7.

NOTE: Tested with Contact Form 7 5.1.6.


Form tab

Wrap the desired fields with [field_group your_group_id_here][/field_group]. The shortcode accepts additional parameters, in WP shortcode format and in CF7 fields parameters format as well.


[field_group emails id="emails-groups" tabindex:1]          [radio your-radio use_label_element default:1 "radio 1" "radio 2" "radio 3"]     [select* your-menu include_blank "option1" "option 2"]     [checkbox* your-checkbox "check 1" "check 2"] [/field_group] 

Mail tab

In the mail settings, wrap the fields with your group id. You can use the [group_index] tag to print the group index and an additional __ to print a field at a specific index.


The second email entered by the user was: [your-email__2]  These were the groups: [emails] GROUP #[group_index]     Checkbox: [your-checkbox]     E-mail: [your-email]     Radio: [your-radio]     Select: [your-menu] [/emails] 

Customizing the add and remove buttons

You can add filters to your theme to customize the add and remove buttons.


// In your theme's functions.php function customize_add_button_atts( $attributes ) {   return array_merge( $attributes, array(     'text' => 'Add Entry',   ) ); } add_filter( 'wpcf7_field_group_add_button_atts', 'customize_add_button_atts' ); 

The available filters are:


Filters the add button attributes.

* $attributes: Array of attributes for the add button. Keys:
* additional_classes: css class(es) to add to the button
* text: text used for the button

Return value: array of button attributes


Filters the add button HTML.

* $html: Default add button HTML

Return value: button HTML


Filters the remove button attributes.

* $attributes: Array of attributes for the remove button. Keys:
* additional_classes: css class(es) to add to the button
* text: text used for the button

Return value: array of button attributes


Filters the remove button HTML.

* $html: Default remove button HTML

Return value: button HTML


You can contribute with code, issues and ideas at the GitHub repository.

If you like it, a review is appreciated


Yes. You can use wpcf7_field_group_add_button_atts, wpcf7_field_group_add_button, wpcf7_field_group_remove_button_atts, and wpcf7_field_group_remove_button filters, as shown above. Props to @berniegp.

Youll have to use the wpcf7-field-groups/change jQuery event.

In the Form tab, add an element to hold the group index. In this example, itll be a with the group-index class:

[field_group emails id="emails-groups" tabindex:1]     

Group #

[radio your-radio use_label_element default:1 "radio 1" "radio 2" "radio 3"] [select* your-menu include_blank "option1" "option 2"] [checkbox* your-checkbox "check 1" "check 2"] [/field_group]

And then youll have to add this to your JavaScript code:

jQuery( function( $ ) {     $( '.wpcf7-field-groups' ).on( 'wpcf7-field-groups/change', function() {         var $groups = $( this ).find( '.group-index' );         $groups.each( function() {             $( this ).text( $groups.index( this ) + 1 );         } );     } ).trigger( 'wpcf7-field-groups/change' ); } ); 

You can add that JS through your theme OR use some plugin like Simple Custom CSS and JS.

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