
Fabrica Dashboard



Fabrica Dashboard gives you a better overview of your content and site activity, especially useful for multi-user editorial sites. Its widgets give you an instant insight into:

  • the Posts, Pages, Blocks and custom content types that make up your site
  • recent activity and updates across content, media, and comments
  • upload sizes / formats and possible security issues

No configuration needed:

  • automatically shows any Custom Post Types or Custom Taxonomies used by themes or plugins
  • respects each users role and privileges
  • compatible with other Dashboard widgets (WooCommerce, Analytics, etc)



This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/fabrica-dashboard directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins screen in WordPress.

Thats all. No configuration required, although you can switch the default Dashboard widgets back on if you want to.


Absolutely not. Fabrica Dashboard is clean, tidy and efficient  to look at and under the hood.

  • Does not add tables to the database
  • Does not add any code to your front-end
  • Follows WordPress styles and conventions
  • Has only one setting (a checkbox to unhide the default widgets) and removes it on uninstall

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