
Post Expiration Date



This is a free, lightweight plugin designed to make WordPress posts expire at a set time, on a given date. This was done in the simplest, most expedient manner possible so conflicts should be minimal. Dependencies are minimal as well. WP Cron is not used or required. You can choose from a JQuery datetime picker or the browsers native option.

How it works: You can set an expiration date (an expiry) for a post by selecting the date and time. This uses local time, not GMT, UTC, etc. When the expiration date and time have been passed the post will be moved from Published to Draft status. Picking a date/time is optional not all posts require an expiry.

Post Expiration Date plugin is ideal for use with coupons, deals, sales, and any other events where would would want the corresponding WordPress post to be hidden (or in some way changed) at a scheduled time.



  1. Upload Post Expiration Date to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate through the Plugins menu in WordPress
  3. Review the Post Expiration options in WordPress Settings tab


February 2, 2019 1:01 AM will be stored as 2019-02-02T01:01 in your postmeta table.

We opted to use the ISO 8601 standard for date and time format. This can be manipulated if youd like to view it in other ways, as we do in the Exp. Date column of the Posts page.

This is because your browser does not support input type=datetime-local. If this happens to you please use the settings to change to the Universal picker or use Chrome for your browser. Newer verions of this plugin (v1.2 and above) fix this issue and give you the option for different datetime pickers.

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