
Random Content



This plugin allows you to display random content anywhere on your site using a shortcode or widget. You can group your random content together, allowing you to display different content in multiple locations throughout your site.

The content is added via a custom post type, so you have full access to the tinyMCE editor. This allows you to easily add images, text, and links to your random content.

Using a widget

  1. Navigate to Appearance->Widgets and add the Random Content widget to a sidebar.
  2. Select a group from the dropdown. If you dont create a group, the widget will use all entries.

Using a shortcode

Place the shortcode [random_content] anywhere on a post or page.

To choose entries from a specific group, add the group_id parameter. For example, [random_content group_id="64"].

To specify the number of posts to show, add the num_posts parameter. For example, [random_content group_id="13" num_posts="3"].



  1. Upload random-content.php to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
  3. Create an entry in the Random Content post type.
  4. Categorize your content using Groups.

Only content within the content editor will be displayed.


Yes. Create a group, and assign specific entries to the group. It works just like categories.

Click on Random Content > Group in the WordPress admin. Look for the number in the ID column.

In the shortcode, use the num_posts parameter. In the widget, enter a number in the Number of Posts to Show at Once input.

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