
Force First and Last Name as Display Name



This plugin hides the Display Name field on the Edit Profile screen for all users. Instead of allowing users to set this field, the plugin will always set the User field display_name to their first and last name. If these field are empty, display_name will be set to their username.

Display names are set when the user registers as well as when a users profile is updated via the WordPress admin.

The plugin includes a batch process to update the display name for existing users. Navigate to Settings > Force First Last in the WordPress admin to run the update.

Paid Memberships Pro Compatibility

This plugin is now compatible with Paid Memberships Pro. The Display Name field is hidden from the frontend Member Profile Edit page. Display Name is automatically set when this form is saved. Display Name will also be updated at membership checkout if you are capturing the members first and last name via a Register Helper field or when using the Add Name to Checkout Add On.



Download, Install and Activate!

  1. Upload force-first-last to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.
  3. Visit Settings > Force First Last to run an initial update for all of your users.


Navigate to Settings > Force First Last to run a script that will update all existing users.

You will need to use a custom filter to adjust the display order. See this code for an example:


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