
Private Content Login Redirect



Do you post private content? Are you sending those links to your users with private content access?

WordPress by default redirects all non-logged users to a 404(content not found) page when they follow a private post or private page link.Instead of showing a 404 page, this plugin simply redirects those users to the login page.After successful login, it automatically redirects users with private content access to the private content link they followed.

Note: If you post private content and want to get more subscribers to read your private content, I developed a Free plugin for that tooCheck out Mini Membership.

If you like this plugin, please consider leaving a review. Thank you!

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  1. Download The Private Content Login Redirect package file, extract the private-content-login-redirect directory from ZIP file, upload it to WordPress Plugins directory /wp-content/plugins/ or install plugin from Plugin panel in WordPress Dashboard

  2. Activate Private Content Login Redirect via Plugin page

  3. All set

If you are new to WordPress : Installing Plugins

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