
WooCommerce Email Order Digest



Sends out a daily email digest of all orders made the previous day in WooCommerce. This provides a great summary of yesterdays activities as well as helping with quickly checking orders against any payments received overnight without needing to login. It can also be useful as a packing slip for a warehouse and what stock goes with which order.



  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-email-orders directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins screen in WordPress
  3. Set the email recipient under WooCommerce->Settings and select the Email tab


By default the emails are set in the WordPress cron scheduler at 1am. This can be adjusted using a cron interface plugin like WP Control

The email digest currently only gets sent if an order has been made the previous day.

If you are relying on the built in WordPress scheduler then this only gets triggered by site visitors. Therefore if no one visits your site at the exact time of your intended schedule then the email wont trigger exactly when you want it. A preferred option, if your hosting supports, is to setup a cron task at server level to trigger the /wp-cron.php URL.

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