
SrcSet Responsive Images for WordPress



SrcSet responsive images for WordPress allows you to assign a SrcSet group to an image size within WordPress (e.g. medium or large). Any image within a post or page using that image size will have the SrcSet groups attribute applied to it resulting in responsive images using the srcset attribute.

Why use SrcSet?

The srcset attribute is fully supported by most modern mobile devices. Where the attribute shines is allowing developers and content creators to eaily create responsive images for WordPress, swapping out large images for smaller ones more suitable to the size of the devices screen. This allows for less overhead when loading a website, improving load times, and reducing the amount of bandwidth visitors have to consume to view the site.

How does TrueNorth SrcSet Plugin Help?

SrcSet responsive images for WordPress automates the generation of the srcset attribute for all images attached to or within a post/pages content. SrcSet groups can be setup for any image size registered with WordPress and once setup all images using that image size (e.g. medium) will have that SrcSet groups attribute added to the img tag. No short codes, in fact no coding required at all!

What about all my existing post images?

SrcSet responsive images for WordPress comes with a Regeneration tool which will search all your posts and pages (including custom post types) find any images using sizes which have SrcSet groups and automatically add the srcset attribute to each one!

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  1. Upload to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
  3. Go to Tools > SrcSet Settings and create a new SrcSet group under the General options tab and click save changes
  4. Click the group options tab on the left for your new SrcSet group.
  5. You want to create the srcset for all large images, so link this group to the large image size be selecting it from the Image Size Relationship drop down menu.
  6. We need to tell the browser which image size to use when the browser size changes, start by selecting the small breakpoint from the Select Breakpoint drop down menu.
  7. The default browser width for this breakpoint is 640px wide. We can leave this or use the Breakpoint Width slider to customize this.
  8. Now we need to tell the browser which image size we want it to display at this breakpoint. Using the Breakpoint Image Size drop down menu we can either select an image size already registered with WordPress OR we can create a new custom image size.
  9. !!Important!! If you create a custom image size for any of your breakpoints you will have to regenerate your image thumbnails using a plugin such as Regen. Thumbnails
  10. Complete steps 5 & 6 for each breakpoint (small, medium, large, large)
  11. Save your SrcSet group options.
  12. All existing posts/pages which have large images embedded in them will need to be converted to use your new SrcSet group.
  13. !!Warning!! Backup your database BEFORE this step as the process is irreversible!! Click the Regeneration tab in the plugin options on the left. Click the Regenerate srcset button and wait for the process to complete. Now all your existing posts using large images are now using your SrcSet group!
  14. Now whenever a user adds an image using the large size into a post/page content, the img html tag will also have your SrcSet group attribute added to it automatically!


  1. Go to Tools > SrcSet Settings
  2. Click Regeneration tab on the left of options page
  3. Select Uninstall srcset from dropdown option
  4. !!Warning!! Backup your database BEFORE this step as the process is irreversible!! Click the Regenerate srcset button
  5. You can now uninstall the plugin


SrcSet groups allow you to change the dimensions of images based on the current width of the users browser. When you assign a SrcSet group to an image size within WordPress (e.g. medium or large). Any image within a post or page using that image size will have the SrcSet groups attribute applied to it.

For example, this medium image

img class=alignnone size-medium wp-image-1264? src= alt=test_img width=200? height=150?

Would change to something like this

img class=alignnone size-medium wp-image-1264?
srcset= 640w, 1024w, 1440w, 1506w
alt=test_img width=200? height=150?

Note that the srcset attribute had been added to the img tag and will instruct the browser to replace the image with different sizes at these breakpoints, 640w, 1024w, 1440w, and 1506w.

If the images were already uploaded to the Media Library, you may have to regenerate thumbnails. We recommend using Regenerate Thumbnails for this.

  1. Go to Tools > SrcSet Settings
  2. Click Regeneration tab on the left of options page
  3. Select Uninstall srcset from dropdown option
  4. !!Warning!! Backup your database BEFORE this step as the process is irreversible!! Click the Regenerate srcset button
  5. You can now uninstall the plugin

SrcSet Groups give you a way to relate breakpoints to any specific image size (for example, medium). You can set specific breakpoints that align to your theme, and load in smaller versions of the same image. You can select existing image sizes (thunbmail, medium, large), custom image sizes created by themes or plugins, or add a custom image size with dimensions you create.

Note: If you use the Custom image size, remember to regenerate your thumbnails, otherwise these images will not exist, and therefore not be used within the srcset attribute.

Absolutely! In the srcset Settings area, there is a Regeneration page. This feature will go through all public posts (pages and posts by default), and regenerate the image tags of WordPress attachments in post content.

First, take some time and adjust your SrcSet groups and their breakpoints. Once everything is set up properly to your liking, use Regenerate Thumbnails to create any new image sizes youve created. Then use the Srcset Regeneration tool.

We intended on including the pixel density (x) support into the plugin. On further investigation, we realized it was not nearly as useful as the breakpoint (w) feature.

In future releases, we will be adding in the pixel density (x) feature support, and hope that it will become a more useful feature, to be combined with the breakpoint (w) feature.

The srcset attribute is a new HTML5 spec which allows us to specify multiple versions of the same image for various screen sizes. This means that you can serve smaller images for smaller screens and devices, which means your viewers will load your page much faster.

In the plugin options under Tools > SrcSet Settings, click the Help tab on the left and following the instructions for more examples.

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